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Who thinks the clerk.....(vid)


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Originally posted by DragKnee66:

WOW. The first shot that hit him could be justified. But shooting him again 2 more times, wow. And then dragging his body, eek.

I watched it several times... the first shot, put the guy down and the gun left his hand. As the clerk came out from the counter, the robber grabbed the gun back up and seems to have pointed it in the direction of the clerk as he comes around to the back of the cloths rack.


To me, if the robber had picked the gun back up and pointed at me again, the second shot would be justified, though, he should have never come out from behind the counter to face the robber again... stupid mistake.


After the second shot, the guys arm drops to the floor, gun still in hand. It does not move when the clerk fires the third shot...unjustified.


Also, look at the way the clerk hold the weapon... very ghetto...


ALSO NOTICE!!!!! No blood on the floor??!?!?!?! Guy was shot 3 times and no blood touches the floor as he dragged away... thats a crome in itself btw.


Theres also no powder flash for the first shot that hit the robber... is there a shot at all?



IMO... staged.

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Originally posted by Volvolution:

I watched it several times... the first shot, put the guy down and the gun left his hand. As the clerk came out from the counter, the robber grabbed the gun back up and seems to have pointed it in the direction of the clerk as he comes around to the back of the cloths rack.


To me, if the robber had picked the gun back up and pointed at me again, the second shot would be justified, though, he should have never come out from behind the counter to face the robber again... stupid mistake.


After the second shot, the guys arm drops to the floor, gun still in hand. It does not move when the clerk fires the third shot...unjustified.


Also, look at the way the clerk hold the weapon... very ghetto...


ALSO NOTICE!!!!! No blood on the floor??!?!?!?! Guy was shot 3 times and no blood touches the floor as he dragged away... thats a crome in itself btw.


Theres also no powder flash for the first shot that hit the robber... is there a shot at all?



IMO... staged.

If you ever shoot someone in self defense you better empty the cylinder or the clip. When you are scared for your life you will just keep pulling the trigger. When you really know what you are doing, you are only gonna pull the trigger 1 or so times
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Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

If you ever shoot someone in self defense you better empty the cylinder or the clip. When you are scared for your life you will just keep pulling the trigger. When you really know what you are doing, you are only gonna pull the trigger 1 or so times

The idea is not to kill someone... no matter how pissed you are that they just tried to threaten your life with a firearm.


You only fire untill the immediate threat is neutralized. Meaning, if the guy goes down, and the gun comes out of his hand, its over, RUN AWAY. If you stick around and kill him, your ass is going to prison for murder or manslaughter at best. At that point, you are then acting in premeditation. Walking over toward a person who you know is armed, who is also now wounded by you, with a gun in your hand, with every intension of shooting him again and killing him. Thats 1st degree murder bub.


If you had shot him in the head on the first shot, well you killed him in self defence, you made no attempt to use the firearm excessively.


The people who would empty a clip, are the people who the US government DONT WANT to have firearms. Those people, are stupid, irresponsible, and dont understand the power they hold in thier hands. This is why you have licensing for CC and specialty weapons.


With the mentality you have, you should probably never be trusted with a firearm IMO. If you cant properly use it in technique and lawfully, you should never be allowed to touch one.

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Originally posted by Volvolution:

The idea is not to kill someone... no matter how pissed you are that they just tried to threaten your life with a firearm.


You only fire untill the immediate threat is neutralized. Meaning, if the guy goes down, and the gun comes out of his hand, its over, RUN AWAY. If you stick around and kill him, your ass is going to prison for murder or manslaughter at best. At that point, you are then acting in premeditation. Walking over toward a person who you know is armed, who is also now wounded by you, with a gun in your hand, with every intension of shooting him again and killing him. Thats 1st degree murder bub.


If you had shot him in the head on the first shot, well you killed him in self defence, you made no attempt to use the firearm excessively.


The people who would empty a clip, are the people who the US government DONT WANT to have firearms. Those people, are stupid, irresponsible, and dont understand the power they hold in thier hands. This is why you have licensing for CC and specialty weapons.


With the mentality you have, you should probably never be trusted with a firearm IMO. If you cant properly use it in technique and lawfully, you should never be allowed to touch one.

You are wrong in so many ways, it isnt even funny. It's even what we are told in the COncealed Carry class. When you are actually scared for your life, you will just keep pulling the trigger. And yes, you do shoot to kill. If you do not kill the person you are shooting, you will get sued big time by them, and they will usually win.

I am sure I am younger than you, and have been shooting guns a lot longer than you.


If you are thinking about just pulling the trigger once, you aren't really scared for your life. When a person is truely scared, they won't have time to think, therefore, they empty the clip.

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Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

You are wrong in so many ways, it isnt even funny. It's even what we are told in the COncealed Carry class. When you are actually scared for your life, you will just keep pulling the trigger. And yes, you do shoot to kill. If you do not kill the person you are shooting, you will get sued big time by them, and they will usually win.

I am sure I am younger than you, and have been shooting guns a lot longer than you.


If you are thinking about just pulling the trigger once, you aren't really scared for your life. When a person is truely scared, they won't have time to think, therefore, they empty the clip.

Scared people shouldn't be carying firearms. Thats the last thing we need is insecure fucks carrying the power of life and death. Honnestly, Other then insecurity, what other reason is there to carry a gun? All answer you'll give point to insecurity. If you get scared enough to panic, you should not be allowed to carry simply because it impares your judgement. Pulling a trigger should never be an impulse descision.


If its real, fry that fucking clerk. The first shit was defense, the last 2 were inhuman bullshit.

Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

And yes, you do shoot to kill.

No, you dont, unless there's something wrong with you. There's an inane twinge that we human beings have that makes killing another human being feel wrong. If youdont have it, you are officialy fucked up, and therefore should not be alowed to carry.


YOur post and logic is in keeping with the theory that 90% of CC supporters just buy/love/carry guns in the hope that some day they'll be alowed to use them on a person, just like in the movies. It's the only feeling of security and power that some people get, and that's just sad.


Personaly, I dont need a gun, and I wont....untill the zombie's come.

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

Scared people shouldn't be carying firearms. Thats the last thing we need is insecure fucks carrying the power of life and death. Honnestly, Other then insecurity, what other reason is there to carry a gun? All answer you'll give point to insecurity. If you get scared enough to panic, you should not be allowed to carry simply because it impares your judgement. Pulling a trigger should never be an impulse descision.


If its real, fry that fucking clerk. The first shit was defense, the last 2 were inhuman bullshit.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

And yes, you do shoot to kill.

No, you dont, unless there's something wrong with you. There's an inane twinge that we human beings have that makes killing another human being feel wrong. If youdont have it, you are officialy fucked up, and therefore should not be alowed to carry.


YOur post and logic is in keeping with the theory that 90% of CC supporters just buy/love/carry guns in the hope that some day they'll be alowed to use them on a person, just like in the movies. It's the only feeling of security and power that some people get, and that's just sad.


Personaly, I dont need a gun, and I wont....untill the zombie's come. </font>

So you wouldn't be scared with someone holding you at gunpoint?! HA! bullshit
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Point is, ive been robbed at gunpoint... i wasnt really scared simply because i knew that if that person wanted me dead, he'd have made it so.


If you cant control yourself under a life and death situation with a gun in your hands, your not fit to own or use one. Simple as that.


I dont care how old i am or you are or how much expierence you have. Im only 22, and have been shooting since i was 6. I was taught to use firearms with extreme care, always using proper safty techniques, and to make NO MISTAKES. Thats the problem with guns, you make an error, and its fatal... and you cant take it back.


If youve been around guns long enough, you know the 3rd rule of using one.


1 - When availible, always use proper eye and ear protection.


2 - Treat every gun as if it were loaded, even if you yourself have checked it.






Nowhere in that rule does it say you are REQUIRED to destroy the target you are fully prepared to destroy.


Being fully prepared to kill, and fully intending to kill are two completely different monsters. Dont ever be a part of the latter unless your hunting.

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Originally posted by Volvolution:

Point is, ive been robbed at gunpoint... i wasnt really scared simply because i knew that if that person wanted me dead, he'd have made it so.


If you cant control yourself under a life and death situation with a gun in your hands, your not fit to own or use one. Simple as that.


I dont care how old i am or you are or how much expierence you have. Im only 22, and have been shooting since i was 6. I was taught to use firearms with extreme care, always using proper safty techniques, and to make NO MISTAKES. Thats the problem with guns, you make an error, and its fatal... and you cant take it back.


If youve been around guns long enough, you know the 3rd rule of using one.


1 - When availible, always use proper eye and ear protection.


2 - Treat every gun as if it were loaded, even if you yourself have checked it.






Nowhere in that rule does it say you are REQUIRED to destroy the target you are fully prepared to destroy.


Being fully prepared to kill, and fully intending to kill are two completely different monsters. Dont ever be a part of the latter unless your hunting.

The whole argument has nothing to do with guns. It has to do with a county prosecutor charging you with manslaughter or not. When the body goes into fight or flight stage, you commit to pulling the trigger, and the body usually reacts by you pulling the trigger multiple times. The number of shots fired is something the county prosecutor looks at when deciding whether to charge the person or not. A person just wanting to kill someone is going to shoot them in the head once or twice, a person scared for their life is going to shoot 6 or 7 times. I have talked to Dave Yost personally about this.


Plus, when you make the decision to pull the trigger (when you feel your life is in immediate danger) you better kill the person, because if you don't, they are going to sue you for everything you have.

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<assuming it's real>


We shouldn't judge what someone else did while having a gun pointed at their damn head. We do not know what the robber was saying to the clerk. It might have been, "you have 3 seconds to hand me money, or you die." If I have a weapon beside me as someone is threatening to end my life. The choice between them or me is an easy one.

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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

<assuming it's real>


We shouldn't judge what someone else did while having a gun pointed at their damn head. We do not know what the robber was saying to the clerk. It might have been, "you have 3 seconds to hand me money, or you die." If I have a weapon beside me as someone is threatening to end my life. The choice between them or me is an easy one.

True, BUT!!!!!! You have to make a few assumptions... (yea yea ass-u-me)


By the gestures the clerk is making toward the registar, you can assume the robber wants him to open it. At this point, he should have givin him the money unless he is completely unable to... however by the time stamp, i dont see a clothing store closing down at 7:30.


Now if after the robber gets his cash, and tells you to get on your knees and begins to walk around the counter, at which point you feel youre about to be blasted in the face... by all means, defend yourself using deadly force if necessary.



and the body usually reacts by you pulling the trigger multiple times.


That shows lack of self control. If your taking multiple tactical shots, youll know wether or not your still in danger after the 2nd or even 3rd shot... not the 9th - 15th (depending on clip size). If your shooting that fast, thats frantic, uncontrolled gun fire... not something that a person properly trained to use a firearm would do.

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Center body mass. All else is bullshit.

You don't shoot to kill ,or to wound, or to intimidate the guy. You shoot at the part of the body that is easiest target, the torso. If he happens to live though it, so much the better. But if you try to shoot somebody's leg or arm, in a self-defense situation, you are probably not going to hit the guy at all.


As for how many shots a person will fire, every person reacts differently to stressful situations, and every self-defense situaton is different.


Most law-enforcement agencies train for center-body-mass/three shots.

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Originally posted by Mr. Old Mans Cars AKA GonneVille:

Center body mass. All else is bullshit.

You don't shoot to kill ,or to wound, or to intimidate the guy. You shoot at the part of the body that is easiest target, the torso. If he happens to live though it, so much the better. But if you try to shoot somebody's leg or arm, in a self-defense situation, you are probably not going to hit the guy at all.


As for how many shots a person will fire, every person reacts differently to stressful situations, and every self-defense situaton is different.


Most law-enforcement agencies train for center-body-mass/three shots.

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Originally posted by Volvolution:

True, BUT!!!!!! You have to make a few assumptions... (yea yea ass-u-me)


By the gestures the clerk is making toward the registar, you can assume the robber wants him to open it. At this point, he should have givin him the money unless he is completely unable to... however by the time stamp, i dont see a clothing store closing down at 7:30.


Now if after the robber gets his cash, and tells you to get on your knees and begins to walk around the counter, at which point you feel youre about to be blasted in the face... by all means, defend yourself using deadly force if necessary.



</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />and the body usually reacts by you pulling the trigger multiple times.


That shows lack of self control. If your taking multiple tactical shots, youll know wether or not your still in danger after the 2nd or even 3rd shot... not the 9th - 15th (depending on clip size). If your shooting that fast, thats frantic, uncontrolled gun fire... not something that a person properly trained to use a firearm would do. </font>

you are COMPLETELY missing the point. 90% of the people out there are not going to be cool and calm in a situation where their life in in danger
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Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

you are COMPLETELY missing the point. 90% of the people out there are not going to be cool and calm in a situation where their life in in danger

No your missing the point, that 90% SHOULD NOT HAVE A GUN TO BEGIN WITH!
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Originally posted by Volvolution:

No your missing the point, that 90% SHOULD NOT HAVE A GUN TO BEGIN WITH!

Call up Dave Yost and ask him how much more often a person is found to have been firing in self defense when they fired 5 or more shots rather than the person that fired 2 shots
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Originally posted by Drunky McDrunk:

Call up Dave Yost and ask him how much more often a person is found to have been firing in self defense when they fired 5 or more shots rather than the person that fired 2 shots



In all honesty, we can go around and round trying to make points and prove each other wrong. I really was having fun but i think we pretty much hijacked the thread.


We should both be shot.

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