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fucking bullshit


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http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/05/01/immigr ... index.html

I'm sorry, but generation after generation of immigrants have come here legally. Why is it now that illegal immigration is such a huge fucking problem? My family came here legally. These dumb fucks can too. I vote to deport every fucking one who came here illegally. Send their happy asses home. Seriously, stand at an immigration rally waving Mexican, Korean, etc flags protesting saying you have the same rights as an American citizen??? But you're not! You don't have the same rights! You don't even want to be American. You want to be Latino-American, Mexican-American, African-America, Korean-American, etc. I'm not German-American, I'm American. Fuck off. We don't need your broke asses leaching off our system and refusing to learn our language or fly our flag. Be American, or go the fuck home.


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I'm absolutely with you on this one man. The whole issue pisses me off. Frankly most of them are cowards. They only protest because they know nothing will happen to them here. If they had any balls or national pride they would have banned together to make changes in their home countries. How many MILLIONS of illegal Mexican immigrants are there? You can't tell me that many people couldn't affect change in their own fucking country. Nothing but cowards. You want to come to America? I have no problem with that as long as you do it legally.

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I'm with you BEN! Check these pictures out from a CALIFORNIA HighSchool! Last I checked California was in America! I'd like to deport all these fuckers or make them be punished for spitting on our country for doing such bullshit!




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http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/05/01/immigr ... index.html

I'm sorry, but generation after generation of immigrants have come here legally. Why is it now that illegal immigration is such a huge fucking problem? My family came here legally. These dumb fucks can too. I vote to deport every fucking one who came here illegally. Send their happy asses home. Seriously, stand at an immigration rally waving Mexican, Korean, etc flags protesting saying you have the same rights as an American citizen??? But you're not! You don't have the same rights! You don't even want to be American. You want to be Latino-American, Mexican-American, African-America, Korean-American, etc. I'm not German-American, I'm American. Fuck off. We don't need your broke asses leaching off our system and refusing to learn our language or fly our flag. Be American, or go the fuck home.


spoken like a true American. +1

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wow you guys are a lil hard on them just an opinion.i agree with you on some as[pects like come here legally.it shouldnt be that hard right .wrong.this how it works in mexico if you would like to come here you sign up on this list with some reguired documents.you wait in line a week to get the documents to give it to right ppl .then if ur lucky u are put on another list.from that list maybe of 1 million ppl they pick say 50 per every 6months.the economy sucks unless u are a drug dealer and part of a cartel or something.they have too many kids which isnt our fault but.what would you do if you kids well being depended on it.no water no food no job.i cant blame them i dont like it but can you really say if you or anyone you know was in a situation like that.they wouldnt do whatever legal or illigal to make youre situation better.i know i would even if it meant jumping a fence craming my ass in a mini van with 80 otherss cross a lake and get shot at buy the crazy hilljacks in texas.hell yeah.once you get here you get work money and you better youre situation and those you left at home.i dont know.i think i would do that 100 times.and besides if they didnt come here who would work the mcdonalds and te wedys i mean shit the lazy youg ppl theses days.just an opinion.by the way im not mexican i guess i just feel for the less unfortunate.

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wow you guys are a lil hard on them just an opinion.i agree with you on some as[pects like come here legally.it shouldnt be that hard right .wrong.this how it works in mexico if you would like to come here you sign up on this list with some reguired documents.you wait in line a week to get the documents to give it to right ppl .then if ur lucky u are put on another list.from that list maybe of 1 million ppl they pick say 50 per every 6months.the economy sucks unless u are a drug dealer and part of a cartel or something.they have too many kids which isnt our fault but.what would you do if you kids well being depended on it.no water no food no job.i cant blame them i dont like it but can you really say if you or anyone you know was in a situation like that.they wouldnt do whatever legal or illigal to make youre situation better.i know i would even if it meant jumping a fence craming my ass in a mini van with 80 otherss cross a lake and get shot at buy the crazy hilljacks in texas.hell yeah.once you get here you get work money and you better youre situation and those you left at home.i dont know.i think i would do that 100 times.and besides if they didnt come here who would work the mcdonalds and te wedys i mean shit the lazy youg ppl theses days.just an opinion.by the way im not mexican i guess i just feel for the less unfortunate.


I have no problem with them coming here. But they need to pay taxes and become a use to society. Right now, they're nothing but leaches exploiting our system. They don't pay taxes, social security, etc. They get free health care. The come here to work and send the money home to Mexico. Do you get it? Their home is Mexico. If it's so bad there and so many want something different, then they should do something about it. Americans did.

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I understand that rc51rider but what gets me is the illegal immigrants want the same rights without paying taxes!?! :wtf: NO that's wrong. What really gets me is they refuse to learn English. How the hell are you be able to read street signs if you can't read English?? I see this all the time outside of where I work. Driving the wrong way down a one way street. These little fuckers have almost hit me so many times!!

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wow you guys are a lil hard on them just an opinion.i agree with you on some as[pects like come here legally.it shouldnt be that hard right .wrong.this how it works in mexico if you would like to come here you sign up on this list with some reguired documents.you wait in line a week to get the documents to give it to right ppl .then if ur lucky u are put on another list.from that list maybe of 1 million ppl they pick say 50 per every 6months.the economy sucks unless u are a drug dealer and part of a cartel or something.they have too many kids which isnt our fault but.what would you do if you kids well being depended on it.no water no food no job.i cant blame them i dont like it but can you really say if you or anyone you know was in a situation like that.they wouldnt do whatever legal or illigal to make youre situation better.i know i would even if it meant jumping a fence craming my ass in a mini van with 80 otherss cross a lake and get shot at buy the crazy hilljacks in texas.hell yeah.once you get here you get work money and you better youre situation and those you left at home.i dont know.i think i would do that 100 times.and besides if they didnt come here who would work the mcdonalds and te wedys i mean shit the lazy youg ppl theses days.just an opinion.by the way im not mexican i guess i just feel for the less unfortunate.


I probably think a lot like Satan on this one.

First..enter the country legally. Yeah there's a waiting list and only so many allowed over every year, but you have to have those sort of controls.

I understand shit is bad for a lot of people in Mexico. Like I eluded to before though...how many MILLIONS of illegal Mexicans are in the US?? You can't tell me that there aren't enough to ban together and affect change in their own country.

If you want to live in this country at least learn the god damn language. If you're here illegally, don't act like you are owed anything. You have no rights, you aren't a US citizen.

As for min wage jobs in the US. I have a pretty decent gig as an IT Consultant. If I lost my job tomorrow and had trouble finding work... better believe my ass would be flipping burgers if I had to. The youth (teens) of today and some others need a good beating. The seem to think they are entitled to way too much these days. Of course all the hotties (of legal age in Ohio :D ) can be sent over to my place for da spankins...

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yeah i totally understand the fustration.being latino i cant help it to atleast try to defend them alil bit notice i said try .even though i cant stand mexicans because the disrespect.of flooding our country and not wanting to learn english.they come here get all this help pay no taxes and drink and drive like crazy.i mean they get plastered.i live on the west side and i see them hammered driving and swerving out of the lanes i think most of the mexicans live out here. another aspect is all the advances in technoligy all the money that we pay on taxes you think we cant keep these fuckers out of here.its a buissness and that eguals money.if we can make bombs that can travel 100s of miles with precision mapping and hit a target with in feet of the target.we can keep them out.but anyway i figured id get ppl rawled up thats what these forums are for to discuss things with out judgement.so i agree but i have my opinion too thats all.and when youre born to poverty and dont see away out its no surprise they will do what ever it takes to get here to our wonderful country the US of A.

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Saw the riot on the news at MacAurthur Park.

Also, just got done taking the puppy for a walk and walked past a basketball court with nobody but Mexicans playing ball. They're everywhere nowadays. I didn't realize how close their getting to my home. :mad: Which reminds me that last year, my wife and I were coming out of Dayton and got behind a truck that had to have had 15 Mexicans piled up in the cab! It was insane! I was fucking shocked! :wtf:

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