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my last camaro i built .. a fine azz burn out


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http://img14.exs.cx/img14/9710/burn10wz.jpg http://img14.exs.cx/img14/2162/burn24aa.jpg having fun at jegs my apoigys to the owner since he just freshly paved it i kinda tore a nice layer of asvault off the first 3 feet i took off and i laid my new tires down on 150 foot of assfault and then comcrete on the other side of the parking lot posi baby!i had to stop cuz theres a street i was comeing to ... i had to evacuate the car cuz the smoke rolled in so thick from the back hatch ! hehe
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lol #1 ull notice i have typo's on a regular basis fyi that doesnt mean i dont knwo how to spell im just lazy smile.gif #2 yes i still shop at jegs they just know im nutz #3 i would do it in my won driveway but its gravel lmao the part thats concrete is full of cars that i dont drive what i should fo took pics of the time i laid a patch in front of the police station on karl rd :)i was driveing my orange 72 chevy truck they ddint even get me !
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