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I'm Hardcore ******!


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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

Don't apologize. You said it right and I would say it along with you. There is a big difference between black people and n**gers. That guy is a no good n**ger and fuckers like that should fucking hang. I would put a gun to his fucking head, pull the trigger and enjoy every minute of watching his sorry ass, crack smoking brain splatter all over the place. Amen to that.

wow any white person who tries to justify the use of that word by saying "oh it means this" or "oh you know there's two kinds of black people" really needs to get a fucking clue about how society works.


You're an ignorant fuck, impreza whatever the fuck his name is a stupid dick too, you both need to find out what the real world is like and realize that the kind of shit you just let spew from your mouth is why that word is still in existance today.

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