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Bet you have never seen this poster before.

it's not photoshoped or anything like that. There is also a very intresting article explaining it.







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Thats not original as in from the 1930s. Interesting article though. Inversely Jingoist, but interesting.


When the World Trade Towers collapsed, most Americans simply refused to believe suggestions that the attacks had been staged by parties working for the US Government itself.

Uh huh.


By the way - when Hitler was "Time Magazine's Man of the Year" in 1938, it wasn't in a good way. He was Man of the Year in the same way that Osama Bin Laden came this -><- close to being Man Of The Year for 2001. A Person of consequence, not necessarily a good person.


But fear mongering like this is entertaining if you understand it for what it is. Have no fear, Dubbya will be out of office in '09, make no mistake.


Be more worried about close Black Holes or mega volcanos. You can read about the menace they pose to humanity there too.


[ 08. July 2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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much like the germans of the 1930's, if the only information you had to go on was this maniac's opinion, you'd believe everything hitler said and do it.

But because this is the USA and it is not the 30's, we realize this guy is bending what little history he knows to create a interesting story that is entirely false.

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Guest mudbutt
The sad irony to it all is that if Hitler were alive today, people would protest knocking him out of power. Hussein regularly tortured, killed, and wiped out groups of his own citizens, yet people here feel that he should have been left to reign.
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It's amazing that courage ONLY comes by dissagreeing with your government. one big falsity i liked is how they question why Afgahnistan attaked us, which isn't true. and illudes to "powers" that go against the constitution, without backing it up with any specific clear cut example.

i have courage, our budget is too damn big, the president is pandering to the left too damn much. Speaking of Left,these are the people this article is warning us about, it's the left that advocates more power to the government because the general public is to dumb to know what is good for them. Example: property rights, now it's ok for the government to take your land and give it to a land developer for a subdivision or mall because it's "for the greater good of ther community." This is spearheaded by liberal judges who are writing how they want people to interpret the law from the bench instead of interpreting how the law was intended.


in contrast, equally as biased on the right:


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But in truth, by the dawn of the third millennium, the American people have become civilized and tamed, culturally obsessed with fine details in both science and society. Their self-image of bravery is both salve and slavery. Americans are required to behave as if they are brave, even when they are not......The reality is that the American people, as individuals, have lost their courage.
gotta raise the bullshit flag on this one

graemlins/bsflag.gif i love this country. you're welcome for your free speech douchebag. and wouldn't the third millenium be the year 6000?

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Originally posted by Bird69:

gotta raise the bullshit flag on this one

graemlins/bsflag.gif i love this country. you're welcome for your free speech douchebag. and wouldn't the third millenium be the year 6000?

A millennium is a span of 1000 years.
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