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Emo haircuts must die....


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Originally posted by copperhead:

Vin Diesel felt "emotional" was too long of a word to describe a genre of music, so he assassinated the leader of the Word Control Association of America and appointed himself president. His first act was to create the term "emo".

Wow, maybe you should do a search on the definition of EMO. it started back in the 80's, this stuff has been around. Screamo is another form, there are many forms of emo music. the music i dig, the style, i do not.
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Originally posted by Muthapucka:

Wow, maybe you should do a search on the definition of EMO. it started back in the 80's, this stuff has been around. Screamo is another form, there are many forms of emo music. the music i dig, the style, i do not.

Sorry, there's a website that generates random stuff about Vin Diesel. I was going through it and came across that.




just keep reloading the page for more

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LOL - here are some that I came across:


Vin Diesel has never been seen in the same room as Santa. Coincidence? You decide.


In the movie 'When Harry met Sally', Vin Diesel plays the heavy set older woman who after hearing Meg Ryan perform her own little orgasm says, "I'll have what she's having."


Vin Diesel is Billie Jean’s Lover.


In the unlikely event of his death Vin Diesel can perform his own autopsy.


In the 1903 edition of Webster's Dictionary, Vin Diesel is the definition of all the words.

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