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Tonight -- EliteFC CBS


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Same thing down here but we get 2 different CBS stations on TW. The Dayton station had the telethon, but the Cinci station had the fights. I'm still complaining to the local station here about it.

I'll save any comments on the fights themselves for the morning for those watching the replay at 1AM.

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Some pretty good fights tonight......That's all I'll say for now. You late viewers should enjoy!!

How come you don't like Kimbo, Fuse?

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GROSS! Thompsons ear was fucking nasty! All fat and flapping in the wind! :lol:

Why you would care to fight when your ear gets like that is BEYOND me. Fucking nasty bastard!

He got that shit busted by my boy! Maybe it'll drain now. He looked like he had an IQ of 5. :lol:

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OK so it's morning....

That was some of the worse fighting I've seen with the exception of the Lawler and Carrano fights.

I missed the prelims so I still got to watch those.

Rogers vs Murphy - EliteXC went looking for a couple of big boys they hoped would be brawlers and they have crappy fighters who just hit hard.

Baroni vs Villasenor - Baroni is just plain washed up and looked horrible. I actually thought he would have gone in looking better than he did. He deserved the quick finish he got. I just kind of hate Baroni anyway and just kind of smile inside everytime I see him get punched in the face. :)

Carano vs Young - These girls took it to it. Can't wait for Gina to develop her ground game a bit more and get back into shape. One of the best matches of the night if not the best match due to the Lawler vs Smith stoppage. I will also admit I have had a thing for Carrano for years so it'll be nice seeing more of her. :D

Lawler vs Smith - Great fight up until the BS stoppage by the doctor. These guys were banging and even Smith knew he was probably going to get KO'd. Both of these fighters are from venues far superior to EliteFC and will help keep that venue from fading out too soon.

Slice vs Thompson - One of the crappiest fights I have ever seen and I'm including the 100's of amateur matches I've seen at this point. Both of their striking was slow and sloppy. Their ground games where non existent. They are both embarrassments to any real MMA fan. Their conditioning was some of the worse I've ever seen and I wish I could have stomped on Kimbos chest a few times when he laid on the cage floor afterwards. He really didn't do much to be that tired. I just find it funny that Kimbo had a hard time with someone I'm sure looked like another canned win for Kimbo. We have probably no less than 6 fighters just here in Dayton that could have finished these 2 "Pros" in the first round.

I'll end in saying the fact that EliteXC put that joke Slice as the main event over a TITLE fight featuring LAWLER and SMITH who are veterans from UFC, Pride and WEC just shows what kind of half-assed organization they are.

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Some pretty good fights tonight......That's all I'll say for now. You late viewers should enjoy!!

How come you don't like Kimbo, Fuse?

Because he's a shitty fighter and a complete joke. He doesn't deserve to be getting 6 figures for a main event fight especially when there are hundreds of better fighters that have worked longer and harder to try and make it. He's a disgrace to professional MMA and so is EliteFC for putting him out there.

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Because he's a shitty fighter and a complete joke. He doesn't deserve to be getting 6 figures for a main event fight especially when there are hundreds of better fighters that have worked longer and harder to try and make it. He's a disgrace to professional MMA and so is EliteFC for putting him out there.

agreed. how many other fighters out there have trained and trained for years and still have got no where or "discovered"? when this guy makes it big on the internet and comes in and gets overnight what alot of guys have been training for forever

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Gina fought well. I would like to see more women enter the sport to give her a run for her money. Young did a nice job but she was a bit oversized. Those two are definately in seperate weight classes.

I think you're being a tad harsh on the Kimbo fight. Kimbo has 3 fights I think and Thompson would be considered a "has been" but he "never was". If you take away the hype, put them on the undercard where they deserve to be then the fight was alright. No way it was a main event fight.

As far as the fights I have seen on the interwebs, it wasn't a bad night of fights to be free on CBS. I think the fighters showed up to put on a show. The referees, however, let everyone down. The refs made this a subpar card. The Thompson stopage, the Smith stopage, the Thompson stand up, even the Baroni fight should have gone on for a few ore seconds.

This was their first fight on CBS but not for Elite XC. They Should know better.

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God damn Directv, I could not find the damn channel last night when I got home.

Anyone know if it is being replayed again & on what channel or where I can watch it online without paying?

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