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No cops for miles


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Originally posted by 98dirtybird:

I bought the car from eric, yes i wrote "79 over 71" i did not say whats the point of doing 140 over over 71. and by the way. it was an 138 mile trip home, and stopped some where after Wash. court. and filled up.So ripp me all you want.I have a 30 min. drive to work everyday where i do 70 miles an hour.

everyone step aside and make way for his giant e-pen0r. Nothing excuses the fact that you're a tool, whether you stopped at washington courthouse or not. You may not have noticed it yet, but people on CR care about more things than just breaking the speed limits. Its about creating a forum for SMART people to exchange ideas and stories. Its NOT a place for assholes who drive 140 miles at 120 mph. Do us all a favor and go suck a tailpipe.
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