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5 differnt trap Clintonville/campus area


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ackerman road just south of high street right at the bend by the apartments, a cop is usually sitting there gunning down towards 315 gettting people heading to campus bars.


EN Northbroadway south of high street at the exit of 315, motor cops sit in the center and wait for people to get off 315 onto northbroadway and gun you right that, its right by riverside.


School zone- right out side Indinola elemntry, at high street a northbroadway, cops sit in this intersection like clockwork, if the lights are flashing watch out there usually two or three motor cops writing tickets.


Cook road, the hills suck, they usually sit eithier in the watterson parking lot to gun you comeing out or at one of the side streets on the other side usually around 300 after school is out.


315 at right after the 270 exit, as the far left lane goes away there is a slight hill in the road, a freeway patrol usually sits here during rush hour in the monrning or afternoon, its a bitch to see, really nice spot.

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