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SteathStat in Dublin


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Dublin is using this little box mounted on poles to generate target enforcement stats.


Take a look at the unit here


Some reports here


How long before people start trying to set new land speed records in enforced areas...just to brag to their buddys that they own the "high?"


What was the name of the Darwin site again? :D

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Windwood drive at the bottom. Max speed 80 in a 25. Congratulations! You have successfully more than tripled the speed limit graemlins/asshole.gif


Maybe this natural selection thing will work after all graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by 03spydr:

Windwood drive at the bottom. Max speed 80 in a 25. Congratulations! You have successfully more than tripled the speed limit graemlins/asshole.gif


Maybe this natural selection thing will work after all graemlins/thumb.gif

Lol. I don't know many people to speed like that in neighborhood streets. But I wonder what some of those readings would be on 270 at 3:30am on a weekend night?




WEATHER: 88 Degrees, Light NW wind at 3 knots




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Originally posted by 03spydr:

Windwood drive at the bottom. Max speed 80 in a 25. Congratulations! You have successfully more than tripled the speed limit graemlins/asshole.gif


Maybe this natural selection thing will work after all graemlins/thumb.gif

I live on windwood Dr. I hate people that do that shit in my neighborhood, and frankly have about started shooting my SKS at their car. Some people are retarded. :mad:
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Guest h8tcivics
ok ok ok. I admit it. I had used the one on post near muirfield ad a quarter speed trap. when light turned green..I would always punch it to see how fast I could get. I admit it. it is a commercial rd at that part so no people. I'm sorry.
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Guest ajwajw333
I was on 270W just under sawmill road and a dublin cop was trying to catch speeders...instead..since I wasn't speeding, he got in his car and pulled me over because I didn't have a front license plate...then he gave me another ticket for my rear plate which has a cover but is see through...JUST bitching
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