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Question to ask you guys - Long post, Need good answers please


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Alright, i've had a car being "worked" on for the past two months here. It sat and sat for the longest time without getting touched, then when it finally was getting looked at our whole pricing scheme changed(originally I was going to do a sweet website for the guy in exchange for a motor swap done on a 240sx, really easy car to rip apart, then he and his friend changed their mind and said they wanted cash instead because something came up, they lowered the price from what they usually charge so i didn't bitch.)My main concern with that was just to make sure the car gets done in a reasonable amount of time.


Two more weeks go by.


Finally the engine is pulled, the new engine is getting ready to be put in, but it needs a new head. They tell me the holes on where the spark plugs go in got crossthreaded somehow, so im like alright sure fine. Takes me 3 days to get/find a head(thanks shief). They also need the appropriate liquids and what not, oil, filter, plugs, wires, you know the drill. Less then a day from when they said i needed it they had it. (thanks to doggunracing for that when money was low).


Car sits and sits for another week and a half. They get the new head on, say i need to get a valve cover gasket, pick it up two days after they ask because i also needed flywheel bolts(had the flywheel resurfaced as well as buying a new clutch for the car also, all within the same day, napa on 161 owns you for resurfacing.) So when the bolts came in from the buckeye nissan I give em to the guys. Car sits for another week and a half. I call one of the guys who'd been working on it mostly and he says in order to get the car done i can have one of my buds who know about 240sx's to come down and help finally just so it can get done.


I call a bud, they said they'd help, but the main fuck who i arranged things with is like "oh no i don't like him and he doesn't know shit about his cars. Don't worry i have some people who can help me put it back together right.(wtf?)" So i'm a bit more pissed now. We forward yet another week, tho this last week is the week of thanksgiving and time constraints are all f'd up it still doesn't make what happened last night anymore non-annoying. G'f's tire blows on her merkur leaving us stranded for a while until I was able to get the car home. It shouldn't of even been that huge of an issue because the car that I had them working on should of been completed per their words, 2-3 weeks max after I had given it to them, reguardless of the parts because i would of bought them per need basis as i did before.


My main question here is it still isn't looking like they know what the fuck they are doing and i'm about at the end of my rope. The guy won't give me a time for when the car needs to be done, shrugs me off about the subject now, and the only person who's been doing a lot of the work on it lately has been the guys mechanic friend, who really shouldn't even need to be working on the car to begin with.


If this car isn't done in about the next week, what do you think I should do as far as action goes. Im past the point of being understanding. They want another 150 for the car and i'm thinking why the hell should i fork cash over NOW seeing how you haven't kept to any of your times for the car being done? Id rather not be out another 150 indefinitely and nothing to show for what i've paid for. Sorry for the long post but i'm pissed as hell.



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Guest timmybgood
are you having them do an SR swap into your 240? if so get that car back right this second and i'll come help you finish. it took just me and my grandpa 2 1/2 days to do it in a driveway with just an engine hoist and some jacks.
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It's actually just a regular ka24de engine going into it. And yes, it is Jon i was just trying to be cool about not saying his name. heh. Fuck it.


And to whomever here is capable with the ka24 engine, yes, i would love assistance. The car should of been done ages ago. Whoever does help you get the beer of your choice, lunch/dinner whatever and if you need a couple extra bucks for helping me out we'd (me and gf) will oblige. Hit up in this thread, peace.



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Im pretty sure I can get it into a place relatively easy for like a few days to get the rest of the thing done, right now from what the guy told me they just now pulled the tranni out, and are attaching it to the motor, so ill tell them to put the the engine and tranni into the car, bolt it up and im going to take it from there. Ill contact some people on here later today to find out if they're offers are still good for the garage.



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Guest Ranger_Man

lets put it in prospective. in one weekend (not full mind you, as i was working too) with the help of one friend, i pulled my KA, replaced *all* of the oil seals and had the engine back in and running on sunday evening.


a ka to ka swap is so easy. honestly, if you wanted the car done fast, i could have told you to avoid him. i really have nothing against his work, but i do know that he isn't the fasted person on the planet. especially at getting things done.


if you need torque specs on stuff, let me know. i have my FSM sitting right on my bookshelf.

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Originally posted by Beer Guy:

lets put it in prospective. in one weekend (not full mind you, as i was working too) with the help of one friend, i pulled my KA, replaced *all* of the oil seals and had the engine back in and running on sunday evening.


a ka to ka swap is so easy. honestly, if you wanted the car done fast, i could have told you to avoid him. i really have nothing against his work, but i do know that he isn't the fasted person on the planet. especially at getting things done.


if you need torque specs on stuff, let me know. i have my FSM sitting right on my bookshelf.

w3rd, i have an FSM too. i'll bring it over and look stuff up in exchange for beer graemlins/thumb.gif
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well i may need a tow for the car saturday/sunday if anyone is able. Please contact via PM since im having to move the vehicle out of there pretty quick, would rather pay someone here then pay someone at a commercial place, especially since where the car needs to be moved to is 2.3 miles down the road to my house, if that.
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Originally posted by Veritas:

Welp with the main guy i'm dealing with, yes. The other guy who works there gets things done but he works on mostly GM's and things of that nature.



Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Any response from Geoff? graemlins/popcorn.gif


lemme put alot of these things in perspective. I am not mad or pissed off. I am only stating the facts.


1)Marc Stock some of us do have jobs and lives. And some of us even have girlfriends. but people like you arent privilaged with those opportunities.


2)I work for NCR on average 60-90 hours a week. Plenty of people will vouche for me on that. So I had my technician solely do this project. He told me that he had no problem doing it. He had the motor and transmission out in a day or two.


3)We were working on a vehicle were the owner wasn't able to get us our parts that we needed to keep the project going consistantly. Down time from wait on parts is about 2-3 weeks. Once again I am saying this nicely.


4)I am not complaining about getting paid etc.. I know that we agreed on a website design then I realized that needed some remberssment for alot of the time that my technician had spent. The amount that terron did comply very willing with was $100.


5)I have apologized on my Technicians time frames on getting this motor swapped out with a good motor.


All of this boils down to acouple things. That it was bad timing on my behalf. If my job situation was better. We could of sped this project faster. On average, I spend about 5-7 hours a week at my shop. Once again Terron and I have said our peace. So I would recommend that this thread be closed on a request by me so no one else will misunderstand these facts, or try to cause any problems.




[ 27. November 2004, 03:58 AM: Message edited by: stealthmonkey ]

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Hey Geoff news flash for you- Marc has a job, a life, and girls, so dont get on your fucking high horse.


You should not even create a "shop" if you dont have enough time, between your busy work week, and your girlfriend....


I think that you fucked up, and got in over your head end of story

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Shrugs, this can be closed now, if a mod would that would be appreciated, geoff apologized profusely (sp?) to me last night over the situation, doesn't want me to pay the rest of it or anything like that and offered to assist if he had time wherever i end up having it finished up at.


Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and those of you who know anything about the car who could help me finish this little project id appreciate the assistance greatly if you would. Ill be posting at random for stuff im not sure how it goes so... yeah. Thanks again for everything, later.



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One thing I'd like to ad. One of the things I thought I would not hve to deal with after graduating highschool is the targeting and relentless belittling of some one simply for the fact that everyone else seems to do it, making it acceptable. Fucking with Geoff for mere sake of him being Geoff is one of the most childish trends that CR has ever exibited. Dont get me wrong, Geoff, you earn it some times tongue.gif But making fun of this silly fucker at every opportunity is childinsh to the point of pissing me off. We have genuine doushe bags here that are deserving of your creative insult. Geo may fuck up here and there, but in nature he's a good dude, leave him the hell alone. I'm suprised the guy takes it as well as he does, I'd have walked away a long time ago. One would think you guys, being the obvious bad asses you are, would have good enough self esteem to not have to talk shit about him at every opportunity.



In closing, Geoff; Seriously, if you cant commit the time neccesasry to the mechanic trade, you need to either get out of it, or let your customers know that its going to take longer then most other shops. In opening this little opertion, you moved from car guy to buisnesman. Inform people of your shops limitations, and compensate with lower prices. Keeping customers happy is not easy.

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One last thing Geoff - If you could PLEASE bolt the transmission up and put the driveshaft as well as just hang the exhaust on the hangers so we can at least MOVE the car that would be greatly appreciated. The car will not be moved until that is taken care of because I don't have a jack and the things you said brandon did weren't done so we could tow it away.



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