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Sign this petition to keep racing on Long Island off the streets!!!!!


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Signed! This is somthing any automotive enthusiast should support. if one guy sells out to a developer it could start a trend that ends up closing down drag strips, road courses , and mud trails everywhere especially if the developer is offering the owner of the track enough cash to live comfortably for a long time without all the work of running/owning a business


my .02

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Thanks to everyone who signed it. To all the others....have a heart. If it was one of our tracks closing down you'd all be frantically trying to get this petition e-signed. Christ if I knew it was gonna get this flamed I wouldn't have posted it.
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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by 007CRX:

I knew it was gonna get this flamed I wouldn't have posted it.

Damn it. Now I gotta smack you around too. If you really wanted to save this track, then being flamed wouldn't matter. :D
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The owner wants to sell the drag strip, a land developer want's to buy it. If someone cares so much about it they should buy and run the damn thing. The owner could be a prick and just shut the thing down and sit on it, sell it later and no one could do a damn thing. It is a private buisness, they can do what they want, it's not a social issue for the public to get involved in.


If the local government was squeezing the dragstrip owner out of buisness i'm all for raising hell about it. But what a private person does with thier own property is thier buisness and instead of peing pissed about it, the people should be happy they had a drag strip there in the first place.


Originally posted by 007CRX:

Thanks to everyone who signed it. To all the others....have a heart. If it was one of our tracks closing down you'd all be frantically trying to get this petition e-signed.

no, I wouldn't. Instead of trying to make the owner to do something against thier will and if i cared enough, i would find a way to find somone to buy it for the same price as the land developer.

It's exactly like a mom and pop place closing, the owners want out of the buisness and move on to something else, you can either bitch thike the hippies, or find a adequate alternative for the current owner to choose from.

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I myself have never been to Long Island but if they succeed then other tracks will follow and eventually it will make its way to ohio. Some tracks in Ohio have had to face huge legal battels to keep their tracks operational. Many tracks in Ohio are already operating under a curfew. I think it just sucks all together. Weather it is in Long Island or Ohio it is effecting our sport wich I feel everyone who loves racing should be concerned with this.
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