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Just an obsevation ....


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Has anyone else noticed how many cars you come up on that look nice with a little extra done to them. You hope they have worked under the hood and not just the exterior. Sometimes you think, "This might be someone who will be up for some spirited driving". You respectfully approach; the road ahead seems to have opened up just for you, and..... DAMIT. It is some LADY. Now I'm not saying girls don't have work done to their cars and "drive spiritedly". I am wondering if I'm seeing wife’s driving the husbands pride and joy and he is in the POS. Is it possible that for some guys to have a car they enjoy that the wife drive it everyday? I see it as a ladies way of knowing that guys (the majority on this site being males) put our time and effort into our car and when it comes time to get the car you want it is only "OK" if she gets a new car TOO!! Sometimes they can't afford two new cars, so the compromise is she gets the car he wanted as her daily driver. And at least he gets to drive it when he can. Hopefully later he can get another car he wanted, and then he will have two cool cars.

I know I'm doing allot of speculating. I just see ladies driving cars that I don't feel they really appreciate. Is anyone else seeing this?

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I'm a girl and I appreciate nice cars so don't think every girl doesn't. But I agree in some ways, often I'll see a nice car and see some girl driving it who I know doesn't appreciate it cause it's some preppy high-school whore whose parents bought her it or something like that.

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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Misogynistic much?

I have no issues with women that are into cars. I would have an issue with a women bullying into her mans interest to satisfy her own insecurities.
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