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James hensler and my car


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Guest mzracing

Man, why are they so hard on you? Hey check out the message board (meeting and events). Its finally here. Heads up racing for all motor guys in columbus.


[ 03. April 2005, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: BLADE ]

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Guest James C Hensler
Dave just remember IF we ever get into a bracket race and have to line up, YOUR TREE WILL DROP FIRST!!!!!!! LOL! Give me a call or stop by!
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Guest mzracing

You think! I guess we just have to drop the bulbs to see what happens. No, you give me a call your not that busy. Hey, what do you think about the shootout?


Dirty Red is reborn

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Originally posted by James C Hensler:

Joel I offered to fix it months ago! Ok a pressed on bearing spun! It's a 1st but ok it happened. The pic of the race showed pitting from where the roller went bad. Why flame me though. Was the bearing installed wrong or did it go bad on its own. Still I offered! I hope you the very best and if it makes you feel better I'm glad its fixed.

For the record Hensler Racing will never use any used parts for any reason a customer wants us to! If you think otherwise, try me!

Why did I not have you fix it? I was going to bring it to you, right before You lied to everyone on this board telling them I gave you a used ring and pinion, and infered that it was what caused the problem, without even looking at the car.



the fact that you are willing to make an excuse before even seeing what happend, twice when it comes to my car, one about the used gear. Where You admited me in private that It indeed was a new gear, but NEVER admit you are wrong, ever in public. Two about saying that i didn't spin a bearing when I said I saw it myself.


You treat everyone as if they know nothing about cars and you are the formost authority. Well, asshole, I told you to put locktite on that damn pinion nut the first time and you didn't do it, and it cost me over $700 total to fix and replace everything that was fucked up. Why, because you fixed it by tourqing the nut down with a damn air impact wrench, overcrushing the crush sleeve, the pinion was rideing toward the outside of the ring, which has 3 significant chips in it. what is the likelyhod one of those chips got into the bearing, and made it spin? Oh, that probibly could NEVER happen, because you say it couldn't.

Hey, guess what, do you want me to post a video of the bearing being able to spin all of the rollers to disprove a 3rd thing you claim happend without seeing it?


See I intended to just let it blow over and help you out by sticking up for you, but you can't help but be James-know-it-all-hensler.


I'll be honest with ANYONE who askes me about you:

"James hensler does good work and a VAST majority of it is good, i really think he does. But His customer service is SHIT and if something does go wrong, lookout because he will try to find an excuse why it isn't his fault, even before seeing the car."

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Guest James C Hensler

.If anyone wants to know what this post said feel free to call me anytime!


[ 03. April 2005, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: James C Hensler ]

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Originally posted by James C Hensler:

I said to you I knew something was used and I forgot it was the fucking carrier!! Unlike you I dont think I have to post every fucking conversation!

Fuck Asshole I didnt even install the goddamn gear an employee did! I inspected it and everything checked out. So I stand behind it 100% I think this employee is one of most careful gear installers out there and I trust him hands down. I wish he still was able to work here! Keep racing the car with a crush collar and see what happens. Then who the fuck are you going to blame when it breaks! Just so there is no doubt what I'm thinking you can FUCK OFF!

Which brings up another lie. You told me you would do the job yourself, and after the fact you told me face to face that you did it yourself.


So what is the truth?

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It's tough to run an aftermarket install buisness....especialy when one BS's people and it gets out. How many transmissions is Reinhart selling these days? The extra bucks to do right and keep a customer happy is the best investment one can make. Every fledgling buisness starts out in the red. BS gets you out fast, but puts you right back very soon because people stop bringing their cars in. You could have a flawless record, but one bad experience is more then enough to sour a shops reputation.
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Guest James C Hensler

Joel I told you I would fix it. If you spend 700 to fix it than I'm sorry but if you spent 1 cent you paid to much. I or Hensler Racing are the same thing. I am responsible for everything thats why I said without ever looking at it I would fix it! I tried but to no avail and now you flame me. I guess there is nothing I can do or say to fix this relationship so I wish you the best but dont call in the future.


I told you face to face that I checked everything and it was ok! We do so many rearends its hard to remember who did who's install but the bottom line is I checked every install ever done at HR.

A shop does have a hard time dealing with customers because alot of the time customers who have a problem either never let the shop atempt to fix it or even after fixing it the customer is never happy and talks bad about that shop over and over. Now is it the customers fault??? Hell no and believe me the shop better try to make things right. This internet deal is both good and bad for customers. A shop can do years of good work only to lose because of 1 bad thing. Why is that bad for the customer?? Well sooner or later there wont be any shops left because every single shop has these customers! If you dont think so your kidding yourself. Cost and travel will go up and basicly its a small % of customers who cause this!

Why did I handle this like this? Well its because of a post over on mustangworld.com about Joel's rear problems. He would rather post on the boards like he was somekind of victum without even calling me and letting me know something was wrong. I was told about this by another customer! What the post did was cost me a 7K engine job! Joel didnt even think about stuff like that happing. Still I offered to fix it! At some point it became apparent that the relationship was going south so I let it happen! Now its time to move on and I wish him the best and if I or HR does 100 rears this year 95% will be perfect and I hope to be able to fix the others but nobody or shop is perfect! We can only try! If you choose not to come to my shop than so be it. I cant make you spend money at my shop But not to come because of bullshit theads like this is not right and I hope get the quality of work and price that you could have gotten here!

Joel after typing this I have calmed down some and I'm sorry you had problems But You didnt have to post it without giving me a chance!


[ 03. April 2005, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: James C Hensler ]

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If you are talking about a turbo setup from one of my friends from michigan, (MySlow2002GT) i told him privately that I did not think that he shouldn't use you because of what happend to me, He said he agreed and he was not using you because you wouldn't listen to his ideas on how the build should go and that you acted like you knew everything about turbos and did not want any of his advice.


I wish you well.


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