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Ipod or not


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Thats how it happend.. put 2 and 2 together.. we were in the 3rd quarter with 3 min. remaining.. he intercepted it and ran it back for 60 yards.. i threw the controller which caused me to go off the road.. my buddie stopped and put the controller down when he seen my flipping down the hill.. i got off the ground and finished out the game.. i came out on top..

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i just put a xbox 360 on mine.. i enjoy long rides while getting a couple games of madden in.. my buddy rides besides me with a wired controller so he cant get to far from me or it gets unplugged.. thats what we usually do..;) Make the rides much more fun at times..


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Ipod is with me at all times. I wear it outside my jacket on my belt so I can mute it when needed. I plan on getting a remote control to velcro to the tripple tree.

I have Skull Candy ear buds, which have been the best $14 invested in earphones yet (fourth pair). If I am in the twisties or riding with others, I will keep the music down so I can hear. On the highway it's a different story. Loud enough to mask the engine. The constant drone makes me lose focus sometimes.

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