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Funny Convo with a ricer!


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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Is that kid on this board?



PS. A number of forged internal 4 cyls can pretty easily take a 150 shot. Obviously they are few and far between, but their blocks are fully intact.

Blocks are. Heads and headgaskets are another story... ;)
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Originally posted by HIgh Risk:

Dont insult him. It is hard to find JDM parts for the Z24's. ;)

oddly enough there are JDM parts for it. the Cav is or was sold in Japan as the Toyota Cavalier, even though it was still produced in the states (lordstown Ohio) there were certain things only available on the j-spec veerison all were cosmitic but some were very cool ideas. Also TRD did make some parts for it GFX mostly but were very tastefully done and actually looked very good on the car.
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Is that kid on this board?



PS. A number of forged internal 4 cyls can pretty easily take a 150 shot. Obviously they are few and far between, but their blocks are fully intact.

I'm pretty sure he's not. I wouldn't direct him towards this board if he wasn't on here. To spare you guys the trouble. smile.gif I'll see if I can get some more funny stuff out of him tonite.
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Guest Pimpin' the Jag

LiBtSk8: supercharged dell soll with 150 shot nos "fuel injection" cool air intake spells ass whoopin to ur piece of shit muscle


did he list fuel injection as a mod???? :confused:

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Is that kid on this board?



PS. A number of forged internal 4 cyls can pretty easily take a 150 shot. Obviously they are few and far between, but their blocks are fully intact.

I know of a guy who thought the same thing and now he has a hole in his block tongue.gif
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You should defintely get some more.


Ive always wondered if the ricer kids really thought it looked good, or if they were just working with what they had / parents gave them in hopes of being different. When youre in a suburban highschool, standing out is pretty challenging since all white kids look alike.


I never thought they believed that they were fast though.

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Orion, I'm going to have to postpone, I wrecked at the skatepark thursday and broke my right elbow,separated my shoulder, got a concussion and bruised my ribs. Since my car is stick I can't drive for about a month till I get this cast and sling off, it' a small fracture. Sorry man I was looking forward to meeting/racing you. We can do it after I'm fixed if thats cool.
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Originally posted by cripsidejordan:

Orion, I'm going to have to postpone, I wrecked at the skatepark thursday and broke my right elbow,separated my shoulder, got a concussion and bruised my ribs. Since my car is stick I can't drive for about a month till I get this cast and sling off, it' a small fracture. Sorry man I was looking forward to meeting/racing you. We can do it after I'm fixed if thats cool.

it is, indeed, cool. sorry to hear bout your incident, man. get better.
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LiBtSk8: ur a pussy gettin ur faggot friends to im me bout muscle cars

AustinL911: pussy?

AustinL911: they just think you're an idiot...and wanted to tell you that

AustinL911: if you're so damn confident in your rice....back it up..

LiBtSk8: well have i got all thesse ricers talking to u

LiBtSk8: and ye im confident

AustinL911: if you're that confident....back it up

LiBtSk8: ye i am

LiBtSk8: and i will

LiBtSk8: where at'

AustinL911: then do it, and quit talking about it

AustinL911: anywhere

LiBtSk8: u name it

AustinL911: ok

AustinL911: will do

LiBtSk8: im waiting

AustinL911: well, seeing as how my muscle car is wrecked...I'm gonna have to have one of my 'faggot friends' stomp your ricer ass into the ground

AustinL911: which shouldn't be too hard to do

LiBtSk8: lol

LiBtSk8: ye since that muscle jus couldent hold up

AustinL911: well....when you can get one of your rice burners up to 150mph in the first place....to wreck....then get back with me

AustinL911: until then...shut up

LiBtSk8: ight were talking

LiBtSk8: cuz i can

AustinL911: what? you can get one of those econo boxes up to 150?

LiBtSk8: econo??????

LiBtSk8: wat da hell is dat

AustinL911: lol...wow.....

LiBtSk8: wat is dat

AustinL911: and who IMed you?

AustinL911: econo box = economy car = ricer, most of the time

AustinL911: I never told anyone to

LiBtSk8: i dunno like 3 ppl

LiBtSk8: they said they got my name of of a raceweb or sumtin

AustinL911: got me on that one?

LiBtSk8: ye

LiBtSk8: a z24 cavi is a ricer right???????

LiBtSk8: to u

AustinL911: yea

LiBtSk8: y

AustinL911: well...not exactly

LiBtSk8: its an american made car

AustinL911: can be a ricer

AustinL911: if you make it

AustinL911: I don't see stock civics as ricers....only the people who make them into 'ricers'

LiBtSk8: well tell me if this is rice

AustinL911: shoot

LiBtSk8: a z24 cavi with exhaust system and migt get a body kit

AustinL911: bodykit = rice

AustinL911: the big gawdy body kits, I can deal with the subtle shit, but still object.

LiBtSk8: well what about what i jus told u minus the kit

AustinL911: depends

LiBtSk8: on

AustinL911: what it sounds like

AustinL911: which most of the time....is shit

LiBtSk8: its loud

AustinL911: and probably sounds stupid

LiBtSk8: its a loud exhaust

LiBtSk8: so u dont go to cruisefest

AustinL911: most 4cylinders with exhausts sound stupid

AustinL911: oh, I do

LiBtSk8: ???????

LiBtSk8: well thats mostly all rice

AustinL911: but not for the rice that's there

LiBtSk8: its all rice

AustinL911: I go for the boobies

AustinL911: which aren't that great...but...

LiBtSk8: y not

AustinL911: y not what?

LiBtSk8: y arent they that great

AustinL911: mostly ugly chics

LiBtSk8: y u go to c that then

AustinL911: partying...

AustinL911: have some fun

AustinL911: something to do

LiBtSk8: i think u like some of the cars up there

AustinL911: I think you're wrong

AustinL911: I don't go for the cars

LiBtSk8: no car up there u like

AustinL911: some of the trucks...but not the cars, atleast that I can remember. I was a little drunk.

AustinL911: I saw a few muscle cars there...

LiBtSk8: like 2

LiBtSk8: and they werent as sweet as the others

AustinL911: saw a couple ws.6's...a camaro SS...

AustinL911: all of which would rain hell on the majority of the cars that were out there

LiBtSk8: how u figure

LiBtSk8: most all the cars up there were supercharged and some had nos

LiBtSk8: i dont think they would loose

AustinL911: I figure because....in my opinion....muscle cars are generally faster...

AustinL911: I do

AustinL911: supercharged, turbocharged...nitrous.....doesn't really matter

LiBtSk8: i think it does

AustinL911: MOST of them would still, more than likely.....lose

AustinL911: it might give them a fighting chance...

LiBtSk8: it gives them the same oppurtunity as the muscle cars

AustinL911: doubtful

LiBtSk8: and u have to base an opinion on the drivers of the cars

AustinL911: it will most definitly make them faster.....but not enough in most cases

AustinL911: drivers have nothing to do with this conversation

LiBtSk8: ye they do

AustinL911: this is a rice vs. muscle convo

AustinL911: not rice + driver vs. muscle + driver...

LiBtSk8: u put someone in a car that dont know what da hell there doin then u will definetly loose

AustinL911: yes....I know this

LiBtSk8: ye

AustinL911: but drivers being EQUAL.....

AustinL911: rice will go down...

LiBtSk8: then both have an EQUAL chance

LiBtSk8: nope

AustinL911: wrong!

AustinL911: oh my god....get a fuckin clue!

AustinL911: get your rice boys lined up...I'm gonna get some muscle guys lined up....

AustinL911: and we're gonna settle this conversation

LiBtSk8: ight rice all da way



Alright...who wants to prove my point for me? I'd do it...but....mine needs an alignment. smile.gif

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Originally posted by BIG SHAFE:

I will, but I'm all stock, just a f.y.i. :D

That makes it even more insulting. smile.gif


LiBtSk8: wat is better a z24 or a mazda rx-7

AustinL911: why do you keep asking me these dumb questions?

LiBtSk8: howz dat dumb

AustinL911: I'd prefer a gen III rx-7

LiBtSk8: y

AustinL911: what year rx-7 did you say you had? a '96?

AustinL911: so I can drop a small block in it

LiBtSk8: its an older year

LiBtSk8: older body style

AustinL911: '96?

LiBtSk8: not sure the year its notin working condition right now

AustinL911: what gen?

LiBtSk8: dunno

LiBtSk8: what the fuck is gen

AustinL911: generation

AustinL911: you know alot about cars?

LiBtSk8: i dunno wat it is

LiBtSk8: who u dating

AustinL911: current time? no one

LiBtSk8: o

LiBtSk8: ur last

AustinL911: lindsey elliot

LiBtSk8: what she look like

AustinL911: jessica elliot...only older

LiBtSk8: i dont know what she looks like either lol

LiBtSk8: u ever get ne thing from her

AustinL911: and that's your business how?

AustinL911: don't change the subject dammit....

LiBtSk8: j/w

AustinL911: do you know alot about cars?

LiBtSk8: not really i jus like riers the way they look n all

LiBtSk8: ricers**

LiBtSk8: there fun to drive

AustinL911: ding ding ding!.....

AustinL911: so, until you learn something about cars in general...I'm done with this argument

LiBtSk8: so y u guyz break up

AustinL911: again....your business how?

LiBtSk8: damn dude y u gotta b mean

LiBtSk8: i tryin to have a fucking conversation

AustinL911: because it's not your place to know

LiBtSk8: who u like now

AustinL911: and I'm trying to get some work done...

LiBtSk8: what kind

AustinL911: the kind that keeps me from talking to you any longer

LiBtSk8: fuck u mother fucker ricers are the best muscle is gay ur gay u aint shit mother fucker ill take u n ur peice of shit wheelbarrow ne time

AustinL911: with what exactly? a z24?

LiBtSk8: ne thing

AustinL911: again...until you learn something about cars....you have no chance

LiBtSk8: ye okkkkkkkk

AustinL911: keep talking....your opinion will soon be proven wrong

LiBtSk8: nope dont think so


oh, he just doesn't know when to stop. I am, however, getting bored with this.

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I'll do it and I don't even have a "muscle car" and I know my brother will. They would really have a fit losing to family car. lol.

Austin - cory will race anyone at anytime. let me know if you set something up! This kid is great.

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Will do man. I'd love to see cory stomp his ass into the ground. I heard his car for the first time at speeds the other nite. Man, oh man does that car sound mean! I'm more than confident the GTP could do it too. Feel free to join in on the fun if I set something up. I wouldn't get too pumped up about racing this kid though. Chances are, he's all talk.
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