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Huge Crash infront of my house


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Well i was outside on the deck and i herd a loud bang followed by loud screeching i look over and see a huge clowd of dust fly up from my driveway.


so i run ove and there is a 4 door focus sitting sidways in my driveway the rear bumper is knocked off. it dosnt look bad untill i get closer and i notice the tire is caved in and there is a read strut asembly and a mufler sitting abour 40 ft from the car in my driveway. i get closer and start to see the whole driver side if crushed in


i run up to the driver window and find a very distrought women bleeding hevily from somewhere around her neck and mouth shes awake but barly talking. peopel that were folowing her are already on the phone with the police and ambulance withing 3 minuts an ambulance is pulling into my driveway followd by a fire truck that blocks off the road and 2 sheriff


i look about 100 yards down the road and there is a large pickup with a smashed front end and caved in wheel


suposidly the large pickup just drifed into the other lane (speed limit 55) and hit this small focus head on nearly fliping the car the driver of the focus is being takin to the hospital and the driver of the truck is unharmed

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Yea i think she will be ok she was talking while the paramedics were putting her in the ambulance, she asked my if i would be her witness but unfortunatly there was a group of trees obstructing my veiw of what happend but there were many other whitness's that all had identical stories.


The driver of the truck was taken under aresst and taken to gahanna police station

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