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Guest cam'ron

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Wow guys, I'm both impressed and dissapointed. this guy didn't get verbally destroyed by a bunch of E-thugs. Normally, somone posting anything resembling "Yo, I drive a late eighties (insert shitty foreign car here) with a mad tyte Stereo system in it. I wanna trik dat shit out, but I'm po. Any suggestions?" would have been flogged unmercifully.
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Originally posted by cam'ron:

hi everyone I'm new to this site, I would just like to know what I should do with a limited budget on an automatic 1989honda civic dx. I would preferably like to sell it and get a crx, but suggestions are welcome

I talked to a buddy of mine to see if he'd be interested in your car. He said he'd give you $50 for it if you can deliver it to the harbor. He's in desperate need for a decent boat anchor.
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Originally posted by stillpimp:

I talked to a buddy of mine to see if he'd be interested in your car. He said he'd give you $50 for it if you can deliver it to the harbor. He's in desperate need for a decent boat anchor.



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Guest Tony_K

I agree with keeping your car as a daily driver and saving your money for a car you want.


There is nothing more frustrating than blowing hard-earned, preciously-saved money on an unreliable daily driver - if you have a good one, then keep it. You throw away a bit of money to tax and fees in the buying and selling of cars, too.


As for CRX vs. faster car, it's easy for all of these guys who obviously have a bigger budget than you to say "get a faster car." If your money is tight, don't be down about getting a car you like that doesn't set land speed records. If you are going to buy something more powerful, the cost of gas and insurance alone will be significantly more expensive than on a CRX, and maintenance items will be somewhat more, too (example = larger tires).


Do not attempt an engine swap as your first big job on a car. Two reasons: 1) it's a lot of work for someone who apparently has little experience working on cars, and 2) you will blow a lot of money in the details, and more on repairs if you try to save money in the process and scrimp on the details. For the cost of a decent CRX plus a good engine plus a turbo plus all the other b.s., you can just buy a better car from the start. If you are not happy with the stock performance of a CRX, look to another car - it will be a better answer than an engine swap.


Plus, if you attempt to do the engine swap yourself (and again, it sounds like you haven't worked on cars much), you are probably going to have to spend some good money on tools and equipment, no matter how much you borrow from other people. And if you pay someone to do an engine swap, well, that will cost you a pretty penny, too. You're on a budget, right?


Finally, another viewpoint on getting a "slow" car - there is nothing more obnoxious and dangerous than a punk kid who really can't drive that well with a car that is more powerful than he can handle. Conventional wisdom in high performance driving instruction is to start with a car whose power is within your capabilities, and learn to handle the car and various techniques, and *then* work your way up to more powerful cars once you have developed skills in a car that is easier to keep under control.


Get the best car that you can afford, and be smart with it. People get flamed for talking shit and doing stupid things, not for doing the best they can and making good choices.


Good luck fella,


Tony K

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