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... From another forum


Here's a quote:


"I was just informed by Geico yesterday that they will be dropping me from

my car insurance plan in 30 days. They have photographic proof and a copy

of the waiver I signed while racing my car at Capitol raceway back in

september. They're sending copies of both in the mail to prove it. I still

have 2 more years of payments on this car, so I have to carry full

coverage year round since I don't "officially" own it. I have a 6 year

good standing record with them and also have my 99 sable (daily driver)

covered by Geico. So now I'm pretty much fucked. I was paying 370 a month

for both cars and now it looks like it's gonna run me over 450+. Just a

word to the wise, take ur tag off ur car after u go through tech or u

might be recieving some pics of your car u don't wanna look at."


And finally...


"Time for this thread to be closed. The final outcome of this whole ordeal

is I lost my insurance carrier (Geico) for racing my trans am at capitol.

I'm going to be selling my car in the next couple of weeks and to use

towards building a monte carlo ss. Bottom line, if ur gonna race your car

(legally), take the tag off."

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That is very sad. Even with a good record and 6 years of business. What is their problem with that, unless he wrecks it at the track and tries to lie and make a claim?


I would fight that in court. I would get stats, like how many accidents they have had at NTR this year, compared to how many accidents on 270. Which is more dangerous? Yes, there are more cars on 270 but they are going slower.


Fuck Geico.

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Originally posted by Buck531:

Geico sucks, but the commercials are funny as hell! Especially the one where there's two adults who live in a really small as house. Other than that, Geico's rates suck.

haha I saw that one with a friend recently, we were pumped hoping that it would be real, that add is hilarious.
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Guest stealthy01ta

Man, I didn't know that could happen. I have Progressive and I hope they aren't like that. I pay about $191 a month for full coverage on my 00 Elantra and my 01 Trans Am. I'll be sure to pull off the tags when I make my first track appearance soon.


And what's this waiver they make you sign...for the track right, not for the ins company?

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Here is a post from another forum where someone called Capitol about the issue.


"I had a conversation with Mrs. C. last night up at Captiol, about the Geico stuff. This is the result of that conversation.....keep in mind that I can't speak for them officially because I don't work there, blah blah blah.


Assuming for a moment that Geico really did show up, take pictures, and cancel a policy (and I have no reason to believe that they didn't -- they did it at MIR as well)...... Capitol is not pleased. If I find anyone taking pictures of multiple cars (from the staging area) while I am there, I will be bringing it to the attention of the track staff, and that person will be removed unless they can prove that they have good reason for being there (ie: car ower, shop owner, racer taking pics of his buddies, etc). In otherwords, if Geico, or any other insurance company or car dealership shows up in the staging area taking pictures, they will be escorted out.


As far as getting copies of tech cards or waiver forms, Mrs. C has absolutely no idea how that could have happened. They only give them out in two circumstances:


1. An insurance company calls to check on whether someone's accident happened at the track. If it did happen at the track, then Capitol will give the insurance company a copy of the tech card and/or waiver form.


2. A car dealership calls to ask if someone races, after that person has brought their car in for a warranty transmission problem and the dealership has found a timeslip in the car. Capitol will not cough up tech card and/or waiver copies unless the dealership can cough up a timeslip that they found -- Capitol won't tolerate fishing expeditions.


Capitol does not keep a computer record of people who race on Friday nights, since it's only test 'n tune; so it's not like the insurance company or dealership can call up and have them (Capitol) run your plates if you've run on Fridays. Mrs. C. was a bit distressed at the thought of Geico having copies of waivers or tech cards. She's going to try to find out how that happened. I mentioned that people were talking about taking their plates off, or taping over them. Mrs. C. says to go ahead and do it, at least until they can figure out just exactly what the heck is going on.


So, the bottom line is that Capitol isn't conciously letting them in or handing over info, is upset that it has happened, and is going to try to find out how it happened. Going forward, they (we?) will be making a concious effort to look for these turkeys and remove them, because it just ain't good for business (Capitol's, or mine!)."



Looks like they are on the racers side, but still sucks nonetheless.

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