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I'd like it known for the record that having just endured a real east/west-coast traffic morning, an utterly inexplicable car and truck based conflagration, an inexcusable gridlock in "all-the-room-you'll-ever-need" Ohio, that I feel recompense is in order. Therefore I am petitioning for I-71 to be dug up and the concrete shipped out to the Sea of Japan and dumped, the dumptrucks and pavement machines used in its construction to be detonated using an especially invective solution of nitroglycerin, and the route planners for that ribbon of asphalt pergatory to be summarily shot with rubber shotgun slugs. Furthermore, all drivers who've been forced to inflict some of the torture that is commuting on I-71 upon themselves be given free helicopter rides to work for the foreseeable future. That is all.
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Originally posted by Mensan:

How bad was it?

It was annoying, but that commute (71 south bound from Polaris) is always annoying, even without the multiple fender-benders that happened this morning.


I haven't ever driven on either coast, so I don't have that much basis of comparison.

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Originally posted by Buy Here Pay Here:

You all have never seen the Inner Belt and Dead Man's Curve in Cleveland during rush hour, have you?


35-MPH, 90-degree curve on a 60-MPH, 4-lane interstate = the lose

I remember going through that curve on the way to pick up the RX7. As we were approaching it, I was all like "WTF Mate?" I've never seen a turn like that on a highway
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Originally posted by Mowgli:

315south used to have a curve like that back in the 80s

Are you talking of the one that had the merge from Grandview? Where they had to stop at 315 and just hammer it when you had room to get on?? That used to be a damn nightmare.


If I leave the gym around 5:30, it takes me about 45 mins to get from Easton to north hamilton road (about 2 miles). I'm really starting to dislike the holidays in my older age.

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Originally posted by copperhead:

I remember going through that curve on the way to pick up the RX7. As we were approaching it, I was all like "WTF Mate?" I've never seen a turn like that on a highway

Too bloody right, I saw a guy in an old Delta88 completely miss that curve once. Wasn't much left after he hit the divider head-on at 80+mph.
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