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Anyone just see Scott McClellan on Letterman?


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Anyone have him in their Dead Pool?!?

shocked.gif Holy Schnikeees.....Guy's got some BIG 'ol balls!!! Dave was askin' him some hardball questions, and he wasn't batting an eye as he answered them head fuckin' on!! thumb.gif

MAJOR props.....Is it too late to write this guy in for POTUS???

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Anyone have him in their Dead Pool?!?

shocked.gif Holy Schnikeees.....Guy's got some BIG 'ol balls!!! Dave was askin' him some hardball questions, and he wasn't batting an eye as he answered them head fuckin' on!! thumb.gif

MAJOR props.....Is it too late to write this guy in for POTUS???

Too bad telling the truth based on FACTS is not politically expedient. It would be, but you would have to assume voters also have a vested interest in FACTS rather than FAITH and BELIEFS. This is not the case in the US.

Kind of on the same topic... anyone see Rick Shenkman on TDS last night talk about his book "Just How Stupid Are We?" about the general intelligence of Americans. I know I should be shocked, but I'm not.

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As a whole, we are pretty ignorant, arrogant and illiterate. Yeah, it works fine when you are around other people of the same ilk for you whole life, but in the rest of the world, where other countries border each other like our 50 states do...it doesn't fly.

I think geography has a little bit to do with it. If we borded more than just Canada and Mexico, we might have a little bit different outlook on things.

That's why I say I wish we were spending that war $$ on our kids...our public school system. That's where our future lays.

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