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Tell me the SECRET!(now w/ light trigger pics)


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Originally posted by 2fast4carz_zx9r:

That is a waste of money to buy a trigger....If you run a light in the middle of the night and a dick cop pulls you over, just take the ticket....tell him to fuck off...and fight it in court. You will win.

Yeah, because we all LOVE spending (wasting) time in court and HOPING that a third-party (the judge) sees it our way, or hope that they aren't just in revenue collection mode and offer to 'reduce' the ticket to a lesser charge.


No thanks.

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Originally posted by 2fast4carz_zx9r:

That is a waste of money to buy a trigger....If you run a light in the middle of the night and a dick cop pulls you over, just take the ticket....tell him to fuck off...and fight it in court. You will win.

Still waiting on an inteligent post.
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