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Do these work?


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I heard that it is for that very reason, that Ohio has ammmended the law as it applies to motorcycles. I heard that in some situations, ie: motorcycle first in line at a stoplight with no other vehicles nearby, that it would be admissable for the motorcycle to treat the light as he would a regular stop sign. Any truth to that?
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not sure on the law. mark might know

As far as triping the light:

most stoplights are magneticly activated (the mass of metal frame in a car creates a magnetic field that the sensor uner the pavement picks up. motorcycles lack in this large quanity of metal, and as such dont trip lights. i would assume that this device emils a magnetic field that will trip the light.

on a side note, any mass of metal on earth emits a signature or patern as it passes through the earths magnetic field. The russians knew this, and aplied a countermasure to its destroyers in its naval fleet by placing magnetic coils in them to "erase" this signature, making them harder to find.

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