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Guest blkcivic

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Guest blkcivic
This may sound stupid... i got my GF some new Headlights for her 2002 Cougar and i be a son a' bitch i cant get them in, well i got the passanger side in but there is this cover that i cant get back on for the life of me and the driver side...shit it looks like the battery and main fuse block have to come out.. anyway i was wondering if maybe someone had done this before or maybe someone that works at ford could shed some Light (pardon the pun) on my problem.. but if not i guess i was going to call passen tomorrow and see if the would install them for me.....
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Guest stevil

If you got the headlights out, then you should be able to get them back in...? I obviously don't know about Cougars and their headlights, but I'd keep trying. Must be some trick.


Maybe search online for install info, or find a Cougar message board. Or buy a Haynes for $15 instead of paying Passen or someone else. Then you'll have a wealth of knowledge for later on and whatever needs fixed. smile.gif

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Guest blkcivic

ok thanks guys... i did do a search and found a cougar message board and did a search on there anyway..They said that its easier to take out the whole lamp ass. :eek:


i will be trying that tonight i guess...sounds like a pain...

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