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quick quiz!


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You're riding down the freeway listening to awesome music..loving life

someone is in your way, so you decide to go around them...

when you push the left bar, it's UBER stiff, feels like if you push it harder, you're just going to break off the "clip ons"

what happened?

this is what happened to me tonight

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dustin said it first...

flat tire...

i'm not sure how, but the valve stem snapped...

didn't feel weird, didn't ride weird, i just couldn't steer it worth a damn...

when i muted my stereo, i could hear it howling...

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the bird came with ALMOST everything i needed right in the tool kit to swap out the valve stem...

if I'd have had something in there to prop up the front forks, a good pair of channel locks,something to rest the rim on, and a 4 and 5 mm allen wrench, I'd have been self sufficient....

my cousin lent me a jack, a couple saw horses, allen wrenches, and a pair of pliers...

it took me about 20 minutes to get her clothes off, prop up the front end, and remove the front wheel...

another 20 minutes to break down the front tire with a screwdriver on the sawhorses, and pull out the busted valve stem

10 minute jaunt over to auto zone for a new valve stem and a can of oil...

5 minutes to lube up, and pop in the new valve stem, fill the tire back up and check for additional leaks

20 minutes to pop the wheel back on, put her clothes back on, and pack my tools back up...

an hour and 1/2 after I had a problem, it was fixed, and i was on my way...

I gotta remember to buy my cousin a case of beer as thanks...(he wouldn't accept any money)

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the bird came with ALMOST everything i needed right in the tool kit to swap out the valve stem...

if I'd have had something in there to prop up the front forks, a good pair of channel locks,something to rest the rim on, and a 4 and 5 mm allen wrench, I'd have been self sufficient....

my cousin lent me a jack, a couple saw horses, allen wrenches, and a pair of pliers...

it took me about 20 minutes to get her clothes off, prop up the front end, and remove the front wheel...

another 20 minutes to break down the front tire with a screwdriver on the sawhorses, and pull out the busted valve stem

10 minute jaunt over to auto zone for a new valve stem and a can of oil...

5 minutes to lube up, and pop in the new valve stem, fill the tire back up and check for additional leaks

20 minutes to pop the wheel back on, put her clothes back on, and pack my tools back up...

an hour and 1/2 after I had a problem, it was fixed, and i was on my way...

I gotta remember to buy my cousin a case of beer as thanks...(he wouldn't accept any money)

You're like a little McGyver Jr......ain't 'cha Duane?!? ;)


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have you ever opened your toolkit on the bird, fonz?

it comes with EVERYTHING except a pair of plyers, a jack, and the allens for the body...

I don't think mine's complete. I'm missing the socket that everyone says is perfect for changing the plugs. Not sure what else isn't there. Damn rubber band holding it down broke though, so I think it's time to trade in!! ;)
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I don't think mine's complete. I'm missing the socket that everyone says is perfect for changing the plugs. Not sure what else isn't there. Damn rubber band holding it down broke though, so I think it's time to trade in!! ;)

Time to trade in the Bird? I'll buy it. Even though it has been "rode hard and put away wet":D

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running joke, 2 problems with shoddy honda engineering...

1. POS rubber band under the seat to hold the owner's manual, and tool kit breaks every 10 years whether you touch it or not...

2. CTT lifter set get's noisy just about every time you go to change the oil...(2 socket head cap screws, and $30, it's fixed)

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