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Sonny and Fonzie Bickering


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Guest MotoGP Tix
And yet you keep coming back to reply :rolleyes: Sorry.....but hypocrisy's a pet peeve of mine. If you're really so scared of my sinister intentions/capabilities Lewis & want me to leave you alone....then why do you keep replying :confused: Me thinks thou doth protest too much

Thanx for the testamonials Nick & Zero.....Means a lot to me that you guys would speak up on my behalf!

I keep replying because I am hoping to hear from you that youll leave me alone...

Fonzie i am sure your a great guy, but you were not a great guy to me or my wife or my site...

2.5 years later you have again tracked me down ( this isnt the first site youve posted all this crud on ) and AGAIN you bring up all this chite, try to blame me, call me a drama king..

You have found a site that fits your style more ( nice avatar BTW ) . This is an awesome thing have fun , have a blast... PLEASE leave me alone..

I had every right to be afraid of you when you were on www.tsbr.us you showed aggression towards more women than just my wife.. I thought you were my wifes ex hubby with all your bizzare behavior..

Hopefully SATAN will remove my name soon and we can go on or merry way.. I have sent Pm's to the GP people apologizing for the wrinkle in my efforts to provide GP tix to this site... I just want to move on and my wife wants to be safe... Is this ok with you ?

Stop being a jerk to me, 2.5 years dude, and YOU ( like it or not ) were the aggressive bully on our site.. DEAL WITH IT... Your not perfect either...

Im glad people here like you, I wish you no harm... I want great things for you and your family as well as mine I am willing to leave this site ASAP ( as soon as satan can ) and we can just all go our separate ways again

What is it that you would have me do ?

Do you want me to say Im sorry for trying to keep my wife safe ?

Do you want me to apologize for reading your PM's AFTER you were banned ?

Do you want me to apologize=gize for asking you to PLEASE stop saying my name ? Oghh Im a horrible horrible person man, that makes me SUCH a hypocrite and everyone has to love me or Ill just die.

For gawds sakes man what did I do to you so horrible that 2.5 years later your still all up in my stuff man.. Good lord man

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I keep replying because I am hoping to hear from you that youll leave me alone...

Ummm...Lewis....You have that power in your own tiny little fingers. I'll even give you a hint....Quit posting lies about me, & quit replying

Fonzie i am sure your a great guy, but you were not a great guy to me or my wife or my site...
Save the BS for someone who can't see right through you Lewis. Sorry that on your site, questioning why cages are allowed to drink & drive at your events means I'm "not a great guy"
2.5 years later you have again tracked me down ( this isnt the first site youve posted all this crud on ) and AGAIN you bring up all this chite, try to blame me, call me a drama king..
Ummmm.....Lewis.....I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I believe 10/06 to 6/08 is a little over 1.5 years. For that matter, it could've been 10 years & I'd still be upset about someone disparaging my character, spreading lies, and violating my privacy & others.

Also.....Don't flatter yourself.......I surely didn't "track you down". In fact.....I felt my stomach sink when I saw you were on here, but decided to stick it out & not let you ruin another site for me

You have found a site that fits your style more ( nice avatar BTW ) . This is an awesome thing have fun , have a blast... PLEASE leave me alone..
Again......More drama & BS
I had every right to be afraid of you when you were on www.tsbr.us you showed aggression towards more women than just my wife.. I thought you were my wifes ex hubby with all your bizzare behavior..
I'm looking for your leap in logic here Chief....So because I question one of your policies & don't blindly follow you, I'm agressive & your wife's former husband?????????? :supergay: And when I'm being attacked by a plethora of your diciples and try defending myself.....I'm agressive?!? If you hadn't deleted that thread to cover it up, we could go back & see I only replied to those who came at me first....Your wife Trinity included, who felt the need to stick her nose in where it shouldn't have been, to defend you
Hopefully SATAN will remove my name soon and we can go on or merry way.. I have sent Pm's to the GP people apologizing for the wrinkle in my efforts to provide GP tix to this site... I just want to move on and my wife wants to be safe... Is this ok with you ?
Low blow.......but not surprising. You gonna take your tickets & go home??? Or are you just dangling those out there, hoping they'll all beg you to stay now. I think you're just using this as an excuse to cut your losses & run, as you've been sitting on those tix for what....6-8 months now
Stop being a jerk to me, 2.5 years dude, and YOU ( like it or not ) were the aggressive bully on our site.. DEAL WITH IT... Your not perfect either...
Never said/thought I was perfect, but I sure as hell didn't deserve to be treated like you & a few of your people did me.
Im glad people here like you, I wish you no harm... I want great things for you and your family as well as mine I am willing to leave this site ASAP ( as soon as satan can ) and we can just all go our separate ways again
Again with the melodramatics & theater......Why do you need to wait for Satan?? If you truly want out....then just don't come back. You have the power Lewis..... Quit making a big deal about how you're going, and Satan please delete my account, and here's my goodbye thread. All you're doing is playing for sympathy & hoping someone begs you to stay.

As your boy Maverick told me back then.........

User named Maverick says:


lead, follow, or just go away

lead your own group, and set your own rules

follow ours

or go away if you don't like them

What is it that you would have me do ?

Do you want me to say Im sorry for trying to keep my wife safe ?

Remind me again why she's unsafe, or threatened???? Because someone called her a "Fat granola eating bitch, who needs to get me another beer"????? That's mean....I didn't say it.....oh yeah....and it's nowhere near being a threat. :rolleyes: How's the weather in La-La land Lewis? It's just your most recent, shallow attempt to besmirch my character.
Do you want me to apologize for reading your PM's AFTER you were banned ?
Anal, insecure, control freaks like you don't respect common decency/boundaries/privacy, so why should I have expected you to do any different
Do you want me to apologize=gize for asking you to PLEASE stop saying my name ? Oghh Im a horrible horrible person man, and everyone has to love me or Ill just die.
You realize you sound like a 3 year old here Lewis...."Stop saying my name!!" :bitchfight:
For gawds sakes man what did I do to you so horrible that 2.5 years later your still all up in my stuff man.. Good lord man
Asked & answered already

I ignored you for 2 months on here Lewis.....Even your GAY, shallow, obvious thread the other day thanking OR for "allowing you to meet TopGun" 'cause he was the only one on here who had sense enough to take you up on your extremely generous offer, and please come over to my site & sign up so you can see all the wonderful pix we took & fun we had. But ohhhh Nooooo....I'm not pimpin' my site on Ben's yet once again :rolleyes: He should charge you advertising rates, you whore so much on here

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I keep replying because I am hoping to hear from you that youll leave me alone...

Fonzie i am sure your a great guy, but you were not a great guy to me or my wife or my site...

2.5 years later you have again tracked me down ( this isnt the first site youve posted all this crud on ) and AGAIN you bring up all this chite, try to blame me, call me a drama king..

You have found a site that fits your style more ( nice avatar BTW ) . This is an awesome thing have fun , have a blast... PLEASE leave me alone..

I had every right to be afraid of you when you were on www.tsbr.us you showed aggression towards more women than just my wife.. I thought you were my wifes ex hubby with all your bizzare behavior..

Hopefully SATAN will remove my name soon and we can go on or merry way.. I have sent Pm's to the GP people apologizing for the wrinkle in my efforts to provide GP tix to this site... I just want to move on and my wife wants to be safe... Is this ok with you ?

Stop being a jerk to me, 2.5 years dude, and YOU ( like it or not ) were the aggressive bully on our site.. DEAL WITH IT... Your not perfect either...

Im glad people here like you, I wish you no harm... I want great things for you and your family as well as mine I am willing to leave this site ASAP ( as soon as satan can ) and we can just all go our separate ways again

What is it that you would have me do ?

Do you want me to say Im sorry for trying to keep my wife safe ?

Do you want me to apologize for reading your PM's AFTER you were banned ?

Do you want me to apologize=gize for asking you to PLEASE stop saying my name ? Oghh Im a horrible horrible person man, that makes me SUCH a hypocrite and everyone has to love me or Ill just die.

For gawds sakes man what did I do to you so horrible that 2.5 years later your still all up in my stuff man.. Good lord man

Dude seriously?? I just read through all this mickey mouse shit and I keep hearing you telling him to leave you alone and how you want nothing to do with him, but yet you keep replying...

Why have you asked Satan to remove your name? If you don't want to be on here than just delete it yourself.

And your name is in your sig line so who cares if he uses it??

Not tryin to an ass here, but this is just fucking retarded

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Even your GAY, shallow, obvious thread the other day thanking OR for "allowing you to meet TopGun" 'cause he was the only one on here who had sense enough to take you up on your extremely generous offer, and please come...

Quoted for funnnnnyyy and it was pretty :supergay:

Hey Fonz didn't you just organize a little trip last weekend? How many people ended up going and did they have to pay to shower?? :D

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Guest MotoGP Tix
Dude seriously?? I just read through all this mickey mouse shit and I keep hearing you telling him to leave you alone and how you want nothing to do with him, but yet you keep replying...

1Why have you asked Satan to remove your name? If you don't want to be on here than just delete it yourself.

2 And your name is in your sig line so who cares if he uses it??

Not tryin to an ass here, but this is just fucking retarded

1 = I cant, as far as I know an admin needs to do that

2 = By " name " I dont mean " my real name " I mean leave me alone , to stop bringing this crud up thats 2.5 years old..( sorry 1.5 my bad ) Clearly thats not going to happen so Ill move on.. Im not getting sucked into another drama fest over someone elses bully behavior NOT MINE.

This is the Third site all this has been brought up on, for those that think I am being ridiciulous, I understand it might read that way..

But you dont know the past , and 1.5 years later it is again brought up on yet another site.. I didnt bring it up , and I have no problem moving on..

I am replying due to you asking me questions , and trying to leave on good graces.. Again, I wish everyone nothing but the best, and it was my pleasure hosting Satan up in Toledo when the site was new and he was looking for ideas..

Look man, im getting ripped on big time from this person, for DOING NOTHING to him.. I didnt go on other sites ripping on him ( 2 other times )

I have been very good to Ohio Riders, extending a free vacation offer to any ONE person on this site.. I open my summer home to people on here and I came back and thank them for coming and that I enjoyed them coming... and IM RIPPED FOR IT... Somehow as if it is promoting my site , not being kind.. Perhaps it is something some cant relate to.. What should I do free vacations for everyone ? 25 bux for a vacation and a buck a shower that 100 percent goes to my full time renters water bill down there... Im the bad guy ?? oghh man thats a real head shaker man...

I helped Satan when asked, I have done tons and tons of work on these Gp tix for people I dont even know.. At one point fronting thousands of dollars in IOU's to get the ball rolling for people I have never met.. Again I did it out of kindness and generosity, not dangling for sympathy, what kind of person would even think such things.. For gawds sakes, I dont even know but 3-4 people even on this site and I still did all this work for the GP trip.. I do all this work, then I get RIPPED for it... What the heck man !

Why all this off topic ripping on me is allowed is beyond me.. But hey what can I do, just keep on keeping on..

It is Very hard to ignore people ripping on you to the extent in his last post.. I just cant believe people get such a thrill or whatever on the net.. Im pretty surprised also, that it has been allowed to continue , but cassara

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Let's get to the important issues!

question 1: does lewis' wife eat granola?

question 2: is she obese?

question 3: is she ill-tempered?

Just kidding, Anyway...

I've known fonz from the .com and .org blackbird forums for over a year now, and recently went on a group ride with him and a couple others...

although his sense of humor may be a bit sophmoric, and even "edgy" to the "holier than thou" crowd, I cannot imagine this dude posing any kind of threat or danger to anyone's family...he strikes me as a stand-up guy (even if he is a steelers fan:supergay:)

to: lewis, sonny, whatever your name is...

I don't know you from anyone else, and maybe i'm just reading too much into this, but it seems like you're either in love with drama, in love with complaining, or really f'ing stupid...

if this site doesn't matter to you...quit logging in...

if this site does matter to you, but fonz's posts bug you so much, ignore him and be done with it, you never have to read another one of his posts again...

If it were me, and I had a problem with another member, i'd just quit responding to their posts, or more likely just continue to bicker via PM's (like i did with roadking88)

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