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Solving the oil crisis


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Gas prices rose to $4.09/regular here yesterday afternoon!!! :eek:

OPEC sells oil for $136.00 per barrel :villagers:

OPEC NATIONS buy US grain for $7.00 per bushel :confused:

Solution: Sell grain for $136.00 per bushel ;)

Can't buy it? TOUGH SHIT! Eat your oil!

Ought to go well with a nice thick fillet of camel ass! :lol:

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Nice try..... knobs!!! :p

Hey Ben.....Did my housewarming present get to the tarpartment yet???? :lol:

Wait a minute..........Are you sayin' the smiley's aren't showin' up??? Sorry.....I know he blocks pix like that. Didn't realize he even had the freakin' smilies blocked too :rolleyes:

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Corn is at a historically high price, and the two major factors are flooding in iowa and hippies pushing ethanol, but I came up with a solution I was just sitting there thinking about high corn prices and how they affect me. The take all of this delicious corn and make it into ethanol to combat high gas prices and well it didnt do anything then when I looked at my poo :monkeypoo: the little corn pieces looked the same as when I ate them. Then I thought because labor in china is so cheap we can send our turds to china and have a "sweat shop" where they would pick out the corn and convert it into ethanol.

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Yeah Fonzie, you accuse Sonny of shamelessly plugging his website yet everytime you post a smiley all we see is a banner for the blackbird forums.


Ahhhhh.....You guys are onto my diabolical plan. I lure you into what seems to be a common gas price bitching thread, then spring the link to my BlackBird site onto your feeble, subconscious brains :rolleyes:;)
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you don't think it has anything to do with the almost worthless dollar? eh? maybe?

Can you say "Amero"??? :mad: They're trying to devalue it so much....Us sheep'll beg them for a stronger currency :rant:

eh maybe a little..... i dont know if anyone noticed that when japan unveiled that water car. oil dropped a bit for a day and then right back up? :confused: just wonderin if anyone else noticed that

Missed that

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its right back up to where it was now but i had a scare cuz i was running the show and was supposed to have all semi's loaded by 6 (when load rack prices cycle for the current day to the next). needless to say when i left to load the first two it was up like $140 something a barrell and by the time i got to the rack it was back to like $130. so i had to make the call was it going back up or staying down. :nono: i hate being boss

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that too!!!!!! agree!!!!!! the amero is around the corner :( .....im buying guns and ammo!!!!!

^ ^ ^ ^

Can you say "Amero"??? :mad: They're trying to devalue it so much....Us sheep'll beg them for a stronger currency :rant:
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