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Sick Of People!


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Seriously, I'm so sick of people, namely my friends, who talk about how they want to ride and oh I did this and I did that and all this other shit, so fine. I put together a ride to Whitewoman street For dinner tonight because this is the only day this one friends girl has off, no biggie to me. Ride down from here is awesome, and the food is even better. Here's a link to the map, zoom in and check the roads, and their all recently paved, and through the countrywith a few small towns.


Now the day of the ride, people are bickering, "oh it's too far, 2 hour ride for dinner" and all kinds of other petty stupid shit. need I mention these are the same people who will ride 2 hours to go to a bike night :wtf:

SO, me and and old guy friend of my girls from HS who we recently met up with who has a bike, and a old female friend of mine from HS who'm i've always talked with, are going on a ride to 400 N Whitewoman street today, without the other 2 bikes, and 3 whining mouths. if anyone cares to meet us there, we'll be pulling in about 7!

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hey man did you guys make it? i went down around 8'ish cuz i was still unpacking and dragging ass from my long weekend in cincy. sorry if i missed ya i would have pm'd ya but i didnt even get online til like 630.

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nah, It was raining up here most of the afternoon. I'm working on setting something up for saturday afternoon, but it looks like more rain again. this shit is getting dumb. stop raining already.
Didn't you know it was monsoon season in Northern OH!! ;)
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nah, It was raining up here most of the afternoon. I'm working on setting something up for saturday afternoon, but it looks like more rain again. this shit is getting dumb. stop raining already.

next time i hope i get the memo sooner and i will for sure atleast come buy you a round. its at lock 27 where you eat right?

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Yeah, The Olde Warehouse, and Lock 27, hopefully the weather will cooperate and we'll head down Saturday, I'll give you more of a heads up, I'll probably post it in the rides section. ya know... I've got an Idea, I'm gonna start a new post.

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