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Resident Evil 2: Apocolypse


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I suck at reviews, so forgive me for making this look like shit, but I must say that the new Resident Evil movie fucking kicks ass. The first one was damned good, but I dare say that this one is even better.


It starts off with a quick recap of the first movie, so if you haven't seen the original, it is still very possible to figure out whats up. Then, the timeline starts off exactly where the first ended.


The action scenes are nearly nonstop, and well done. My only gripe is that they follow with the current trend of changing camera angles every half second, but it still comes out very well. It is a very intense movie.


All of the characters in the movie, including the zombies and the Nemesis (big, bad motherfucker) look perfect. I don't think it would have been possible to make them look any better. You also get to see Milla Jovovich's boobies, so that's a big plus.


This movie brings out a lot more from the game. There were a couple things that I understood far better from playing them, than if I had just walked in with no idea what was coming. For those that have played the game, Jill Valentine comes in as the other lead character, and the Nemesis in the movie = the end boss T-monster dude from the end of the first game. The thing is scary.


Basically, the story is that Alice (Milla Jovovich) wakes up to find that the city is fucked. The T-Virus escaped from the lab thanks to dipshit scientists, and now half the city are zombified. So what does she do? Walks into a gun store and loads up. Meanwhile, the Umbrella corporation suddenly has The Great Wall of Quarentine around the city, and only letting citizens out of one exit, after they check out clean of the virus. Someone turns out to be infected, so they freak out and seal it shut. So, a bunch of commando type dudes helicopter in, and proceed to get their shit ruined by zombies, except for like 3 badasses. They end up meeting up with the two zombie stomping hotties, and save their asses. Somewhere along the line, the Nemises shows up and starts putting down a rain of hurt with a chaingun. Maybe not in the order though, I'm fucking tired right now.


Basically, go see the damn movie. The girl that went with me said it was the best action movie she has ever seen, and I agree.


Oh, and if there isn't a third Resident Evil movie, then it's because their funding got cut big time, which would piss me off. The ending was set up with no doubt in my mind that they plan on having a sequel.


The End.

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