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wtf is a Xstraight edge hatecoreX


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Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:

im fuckin' worthless.




next time you go to piss on someone, have a thought about your worth to the world, son.


ive never drank, nor have i smoked, or done any drugs. for the past two and a half years, i have gone without sex as well. i dont think that i fall into the whole "straightedge" thing, but if you guys want to label me, than ill wear it.


all except jack. jack can talk shit to no one on this board, because his importance is slightly less than that of whale shit at the bottom of the ocean. :rolleyes:

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Putting people down for positive choices that they make = graemlins/thumbsdown.gif


Harming people in any way for the choices they make, good or bad, agree or not = graemlins/thumbsdown.gif


My respect for people ends at both of these, whatever the situation.

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I don't care what other people wanna do as long as they don't try to push it on me.


its not like I walk around with a bat and make people drink


its all good my question has been aswered and now I know.


the old term square has been replaced with straitedge.

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Orion:

ive never drank, nor have i smoked, or done any drugs. for the past two and a half years, i have gone without sex as well. i dont think that i fall into the whole "straightedge" thing, but if you guys want to label me, than ill wear it.

I cannot comprehend an existence like that. I medically can't drink, and only smoke an occasional cigar, butn the thought of life without sex scares me. What do you do for fun?
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Originally posted by Xnecro is GodX:

I take it this post is regarding me.. More info on the whole, 'straight edge' idea This dosen't really answer what 'hatecore' is. Hatecore is a more extreme end of someone who is "Straight edge" I've been debating whether to change it or not, it's more of a joke with me and my friends. Hatecore is usually associated with a "gang" called Courage Crew but not limited to just them. Hatecore really is fucking stupid, pretty much what these hatecore crews do is go to hardcore shows in groups then single out people who are smoking or drinking or what not and then beat them up. They will walk down the street in a group and if they walk by someone smoking they will jump them, it's really fucking retarded. Courage Crew is almost always associated with the violent straight edge crews, they take it to the extreme. I'm not hatecore I'll probably change that part of my info it was stupid on my part. I'm not into violent straight edge, I'm just, well straight edge I'm against drinking, smoking and what not but I don't hold anything against people who do. I could really care less it's more of a personal choice then me going out trying to change people. I hope this SEMI-answered your question, if not feel free to ask. Don't flame me to much heh.

Please tell me where Ben and I can get jumped for smoking a cigarette. Pretty Please.


I'm not afraid, i'm the one who knows how to field dress and bleed a deer :D

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ONly in salt lake city can a bunch of (presumably) white kids against drugs, alcohol etc. form a gang and beat people up. I'd say pitted against any real gang that is fucking smashed on the above these kids would get HOSED. but then again anyone who attacks via pipe bombs against innocents is a fucking pussy imo.
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Originally posted by Crooked Edge Lovecore:

I cannot comprehend an existence like that. I medically can't drink, and only smoke an occasional cigar, butn the thought of life without sex scares me. What do you do for fun?

something tells me that there are a lot of intelligent things that you cant comprehend. like the thought that there may be something else in this life thats fun besides sex. pointing out how stupid you are is pretty fun, i think.
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Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:

I cannot comprehend an existence like that. I medically can't drink, and only smoke an occasional cigar, butn the thought of life without sex scares me. What do you do for fun?

good thing these people aren't know for cutting people's hands off then. huh?
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All mammals have sex. It is how species survive. Monkeys have sex. If the most fun or enjoyment you get out of life is sex, if having sex - an act that is genetically programmed into all mammals - is the pinnacle of your existence, then please explain what sets you above the apes. Sounds to me like you have a very empty life.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Tony:

All mammals have sex. It is how species survive. Monkeys have sex. If the most fun or enjoyment you get out of life is sex, if having sex - an act that is genetically programmed into all mammals - is the pinnacle of your existence, then please explain what sets you above the apes. Sounds to me like you have a very empty life.

When the fuck did I say that it was the pinnacle of my existance? All I'm saying is that everyone needs a vice, and that is mine.
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Originally posted by The Anti-Role Model:

I cannot comprehend an existence like that. I medically can't drink, and only smoke an occasional cigar, butn the thought of life without sex scares me. What do you do for fun?

What you wrote here ^^^ implies that you are at a complete loss of what to do for fun or fulfillment other than sex.
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