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well i have come to a point in life that i really feel like a complete loser. ill be thisdy this year and have shit to show for all my years of hard work. seems that that the last 2 years have been a downward spiral. i started my hole costody battle withe the X since we were never married i had to first do the whole dna thing then i have to establish my paternal rights. no problem to this point but i also had to start child support through the state (just another way that the state makes money) when this took place our aggreed weekly amount doubled to nearly 100.00 a week. still no problem but 6 months into this i left my job ( due to many issues with the company i was with) since then it has been a hole string of bad luck with jobs. i finally went and got my class a licence back and was just getting back on top of the game when the child support agency decided to suspend my licence. got it reinstated and now i think things are going good. my boss changed insurance providers and they told him that they would cover all his drivers, so he gave them a deposit (non refundable) and started with the new insurance agency 1 week to the day they told him that they could not insure me till august. so now no job again. i found out friday that i now have a suspended licence again since im unable to make the moneys current. i have gotten so far behind on the child i dont know how i will ever get current. since all the real jobs that i have the experence for require that i have a current licence

to the young members take some advice stay in school and get your education and wear a damn rain coat (dont get me wrong i love my son and would not change a thing) wait till you have established your life a little before you jump head first into parenting.

oh by the way if you know the x (brandi barth) tell her this for me graemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gifgraemlins/finger.gif she is a f****** whore.( from what ive been told she was the jegs blowjob whore its just hear say but i wouldnt doubt it) she is more concerned with her new man than what my son is doing. his grades suck his weight is nearly out of control very disrepectfull. and a wine ass since she lets him get away with murder.yet she is so conceted and one way that she wont let me have costody of him. i have more of a concern with his schooling and a steady home life than her. she is so pathetic that i could chock her.

any way i needed to get this off my chest. sorry to have bothered you all with my b/s life. its the damn rain i cant keep busy and it gives me to much time to think

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thanks for the words of encouragement. i hope that things can get better too. i guess that im going to sell junk and throw away everything and get a little place cut back on everything and try to start over again. its real hard to swallow the fact that im forced to do this shit again. stuff like this isnt supose to happen to good people. glad i cant hold liquor or i would be a drunk ha ha. i havent lost my humor though
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Guest visualpoet
Hey, I feel your pain bro. Lot of crap sucks in my life right now too, wife's leaving me, shitty job that pays about 1/3 of what I used to make, oldest kid is failing 6th grade and seems to be trying to. All you can do is keep struggling and believing that it will change in your favor someday. Hang in there.
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Hope shit gets better for ya. I can't wait to actually make real money when I'm done, hell these guys who work for EODT (contracted by the US government) DOING MY job in Iraq, made well over $150K a year, and get to go home PAIED every 90 days. Talk about BS, but KBR hires people @ over $70K a year in Iraq, always something to think about if push comes to shove. Good luck man.
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kbr wont hire me due to the child support issue. i had made plans for my new fience(sp)to be taken care of had all of my ducks in a row as far as a will goes and was ready to go when i was informed of the back child support issue. i really tried i mean the first check would cover my child support and some. plus this would open alot of doors if i made it back in one piece. but as my luck runs no go
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weakness, hate to hear about anyone getting raked by some scandalous wh0re,how the hell did you get made for 400+ a month? i have custody of 2 kids and my exwife is only obligated to pay 200.i guess that what a set of tits gets you in the courtroom. anyway she hasn't paid any of that so she's probably in the same shape you are,cept she has a sugardaddy.so if anyone see's my exwife(amanda shyrigh((can't beleive she kept my name))) you can tell her deadbeat ass thet same thing as ridenred's wife.
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i made 16.50 an hour and she made like 8.00 per hour but they didnt look at her bonuses that bumped it to like 14.00 so i got the shaft on that. but the whole thing started so i could go for my shared parenting and then ultimatly (sp) full costody. i have a lot of shit she has pulled and still does that will get her some time in the slammer but i have to get this shit straight first or i look like the unfit one.
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i wish i understood how that shit worked with the support. i made 21/hr she made 0/hr i guess if she's suppossed to pay a % of her pay then she's gettin the shaft, if it's a percentage of combined pay then i think i am. whatever though i got the kids.i guess thats whats important.can't really expect the state to make her bow up for the first time in her life.
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