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Computer Protection

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> I need a comprehensive program that includes a really thorough virus scanner/detector/cleaner, a firewall that works, spam/popup blocker, and programs for cleaning/fine tuning your computer. The last one I had like this was one of the System Suite programs for win 98, but that was a while ago. The only ones I can find now are Norton and McAfee, and they both charge $60 for their complete programs, including a yearly subscription to their online protection.


I'm willing to pay that much, but I want to know I'm getting the best program out there. Suggestions?

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get the trend micro firewall/antivirus IMO its much better than the new mcafee which puts large loads on the system. As for the popup blocker and fine/tuning apps. there are enough free ones floating around out there i wouldn't pay for em.
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Microsoft Sp2 is pretty much the best defense to maleware, combined with IPsec and some other little tricks. GPOs are pretty neat to.


Microsoft Antispyware Beta is pretty good at getting the critters out. You can download it from micro$oft for free.


I've never had a problem with load and Mcafee. Never have I seen it go over 3 or 4% for the service "on demand" scan.


All the corporations I'v worked at with 20,000+ pcs have Mcaffee or Trend on them, maybe its because the licensing is cheaper, or it just rocks. I like working with Mcaffe in an enterprise level, EPo server is the shit when it comes to managing client machines.

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