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the sexual revolution of Japan


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Before reading, take note: the topic that this news article speaks of fucking disgusts me. However, it sheds light on other subjects as well that I feel need addressed.




Now, the point that I am wanting to make is that there appears to be a lack of sexual education in Japan. This is causing alarming rates of STD's and pregnancies. Abortions are commonplace. Is it just me that feels sick about this, and about how this could possibly happen here in the U.S.?


EDIT: Added NWS icon.




[ 05. November 2004, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Bob ]

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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

fucking sick who the fuck wears the same underwear over again. I'd go without before I put dirty fucking underwear back on

The reason I posted this was because of the politics involved with the rest of the article, seeing how everyone seems to be so politically motivated right now. Moral erosion and lack of proper education is causing Japan huge problems.


But yeah, I totally agree.

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Guest Ranger_Man
"It costs a lot to buy underwear if you're away from home for two or three days, right? That's why I always used the protective sheets," Kyoko says. "But I've stopped using them now. I used to leak a real lot of fluids. My panties would get all crunchy and the hairs would stick to them. It really hurt when I changed my undies."
im sitting here wondering if i did just read that or if this is some kind of horrible nightmare. graemlins/eek2.gif
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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Mr. 2:

What's the problem? :confused:

the problem is two fold.


1. vaginas that smell like socks that have been worn for 5 days straight are no good.


2. crabs itch.

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