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Someone vandalized my car tonight at Jegs


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Originally posted by Need Boost:

Hmmm. All this time I was thinking you are the dense one. Oh wait you are. Everyone knows whom you are talking about and I in no way believe it was he. I think you are so full of yourself that you are just making up shit to talk about. I think it is much more likely that your belt is out on Main St. and you did not realize that as you pulled in to Jegs. That make it any clearer for you or should I spell thinks out slower for you.

Shall I spell it out for you?




Better? Or are you just used to hearing impeller spool when you reach a certain RPM?


You can believe or disbelieve all day long. You have your reasons, and I have mine. I think you really need more than boost.

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Originally posted by N/A Again:

Shall I spell it out for you?




Better? Or are you just used to hearing impeller spool when you reach a certain RPM?


You can believe or disbelieve all day long. You have your reasons, and I have mine. I think you really need more than boost.

Oh and I’m sure you were positive that you heard that supercharger on the way in. If you think about it I’m sure you couldn’t tell a sole if you did or not for sure. It is just much more likely that you lost that belt on the road than in that parking lot and no insults directed toward me will fix that. Oh and as far as needing boost or not I would just like you to get a clue and get over 1 yourself 2 your car
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Originally posted by Powered By Geo:

With traces of belt shavings and a locked pulley, im gonna guess more that the belt got shaved off like craig says, but at the same time if someone did take it off, that sucks, whoop their ass.

You're right, Jono. I'd really like to believe it was a fluke of mechanics and leave it to fate.


But, where is it?

Why did my car all of a sudden lose a working supercharger while parked and off?


I'm not even close to being the only one that thinks what I do, many others do too. Too many people saw something not right, and conclusions were drawn, fair or not. I could make a much bigger deal out of this and start really naming names and starting a shitstorm. But you know what, I'm already past the pissed stage back onto the fix-it stage.


It's others who keep drawing this out more because they feel it's unfair that their buddy was mentioned to me and I drew a conclusion.


Deal with it. I'm making due with my end of the stick. I'll even go back and remove my oblique, indirect reference from earlier today when I was in a worse mood. That way, it won't be around for people to piss and moan about.

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Originally posted by Need Boost:

Oh and I’m sure you were positive that you heard that supercharger on the way in. If you think about it I’m sure you couldn’t tell a sole if you did or not for sure. It is just much more likely that you lost that belt on the road than in that parking lot and no insults directed toward me will fix that. Oh and as far as needing boost or not I would just like you to get a clue and get over 1 yourself 2 your car

Yeah, a wall is correct. You can feel free to ask anyone you want who's heard my car, you friggin moron. The supercharger whine is heard loud and clear, even at a 700RPM idle in drive. Get over yourself and how right you think you are, you're not. Unless of course, you happen to own a supercharged LS1 in your driveway with an overdriven crank pulley :rolleyes:
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Guest slobird

Wow so much animosity,


Im sorry to hear about whatever happened to your Car Anthony, Thats fucked up, and i hope the issue is resolved soon...


-The other Geoff

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Originally posted by N/A Again:

Yeah, a wall is correct. You can feel free to ask anyone you want who's heard my car, you friggin moron. The supercharger whine is heard loud and clear, even at a 700RPM idle in drive. Get over yourself and how right you think you are, you're not. Unless of course, you happen to own a supercharged LS1 in your driveway with an overdriven crank pulley :rolleyes:

Your thick headedness once again is making me repeat myself. Are you and the others that were there absolutely positive you heard your supercharger when you pulled in. As I said before I doubt you can say for sure if with out a doubt you did. This is the last time I will repeat myself for you, so pay attention. You obviously are an idiot and very thick headed so I'm done with this conversation. You are WRONG. Do you think that a seized up pulley would not cause a belt to disintegrate??? If you do not then you are even a bigger idiot that I think you are.
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Originally posted by turbotalont56:

it's like talking to a wall.


what happens when a pully siezes, or does not move any longer? if in fact your pully was siezed put two and two together and get you head out of your ass.

Draw your own conclusions, Mike. Put 2 + 2 together and figure out why things were in place before people went prodding around in my engine bay.


Oh, there's another twist to the story I haven't told too many people. But, it will throw the "belt was missing before Jegs" theory in addition to the groups of people who actually watched/heard me pull in and park, blower whine and all.


Stay tuned!

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Originally posted by Need Boost:

Your thick headedness once again is making me repeat myself. Are you and the others that were there absolutely positive you heard your supercharger when you pulled in. As I said before I doubt you can say for sure if with out a doubt you did. This is the last time I will repeat myself for you, so pay attention. You obviously are an idiot and very thick headed so I'm done with this conversation. You are WRONG. Do you think that a seized up pulley would not cause a belt to disintegrate??? If you do not then you are even a bigger idiot that I think you are.



look, it's very simple.


siezed pully = shreded belt


end of story, thanks for playing

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Originally posted by Need Boost:

Your thick headedness once again is making me repeat myself. Are you and the others that were there absolutely positive you heard your supercharger when you pulled in. As I said before I doubt you can say for sure if with out a doubt you did. This is the last time I will repeat myself for you, so pay attention. You obviously are an idiot and very thick headed so I'm done with this conversation. You are WRONG. Do you think that a seized up pulley would not cause a belt to disintegrate??? If you do not then you are even a bigger idiot that I think you are.

YES. I am absolutely sure it was moving and making a whine. Why? Because I take pride in the sound and how it attracts people's attention when running through a parking lot. Last night was no different. I'm not used ot the sound, I still hear it all the time. You can't miss it. You're more than welcome to come out one day and I will demonstrate for you, even comparibly that's it's louder than my duals exhaust setup. How's that for not being able to hear it? The offer is up for to.


And, you've made a good point with ytour seizing pulley statement. However, I've been around more mechanical machines that you can imagine. Pulleys seizing do not automatically call for a mechanical failure of any sorts. It may inhibit the machine being used, and will eventually revert to a downright failure of the assembly. But that can be instantaneous or take some time. And once again, where is the belt? It was active when the car was running, and not when restarted some time later after sitting.


Think about it.

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Craig, chill out. You can DEFINATELY hear the procharger spinning, even at idle. It's not one of SQ trim Vortecs, it does whine. And as far as the slander comment, that's not even applicapable. At no point has Ant produced the name of the suspected indivual; besides, even if he did, enough people saw that person (and you're merely assuming who it is) standing infront of the vehicle to throw the term slander right out the window.


Was the pulley seized? Yes. I helped pull the blower tonight, was there residue near the pulley from the belt wearing? Yes, some. There however was not enough material there for it to have worn through the belt. The bearing most likely went out yesterday/last night while he was on his way to Jegs.

If ant said the car was whining when he parked, I believe him. He knows what the car sounds like and I'm sure he would notice a different sound immedately (as would you or I on our own cars) Fact of the matter is, the belt is GONE. It's not in the engine bay, and wasn't on the ground, and the pulley couldn't have possibly eaten through the belt that quickly. But whoever did cut the belt did Anthony a favor by pointing out a larger problem.


My reccomendations: Craig, chill out; Ant let it drop (or lock the thread) before someone does say something that could have negative results.

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Originally posted by N/A Again:

Working belt = not missing.


Try again.

You have to admit that it's a pretty HUGE coincidence. And I've never cut through a serpentine belt but I'd imagine it couldn't be that easy.. ? And if someone really was just being a jerk wouldn't it be easier and more costly to you, to just cut some ignition wires?


I dont know exactly who you are speaking of.. but I know that the "group" you are speaking of, and HIGHLY doubt they are capable of something like this.. besides being downright mean, it is quite illegal.

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Since some of you nutswingers would try to nail my completely missing belt on a seized pulley, I may as well let you know why I'm still laughing at you. This is something a few of us already knew about, but wasn't publicized becuase it didn't seem to matter at the time.


After parking my still supercharged car in a parking space, I'd noticed a few fellow COFBA members mulling about. I joined them. About 20 minutes later, the topic of my recent underhood appearance modifications was discussed. Someone wanted to see my polished plenum and grey wire loom, so we walked to the car and proceeded to discuss things. Areas and examples were pointed out, and some other people I didn't know joined the "let's all look under the hood at this car" event. Someone, as always, asked where the supercharger was since most cars present it right up front and mine resides down a bit towards the alternator. As before, I have to physically point to my head unit so people can take a look at it. This involves looking past, low and behold, the 6-rib supercharger belt that turns the impeller. As it just so happened, said belt was still in place about 25 minutes after parking my car. Can it be a concept? I mean, pointing out a supercharger with a missing belt and bare impeller pulley would kinda be noticed, especially by the owner and some onlookers. But wait, was the pulley seized enough to rip it to shreds while the car was off and leave absolutely no trace of it's existance?


I'll tell ya what, here's the Cliff's Notes version:


1) Car has belt and functional supercharger when parked.


2) Car had belt in place 25 minutes after being parked, but supercharger wasn't active to verify it's workings.


3) Belt is missing completely when car started 1 hour later.


Now, I've actually killed a belt with a seized AC unit a few years ago in the winter. Quite a smell, lots of smoke, and lots of frayed/broken pieces loitering about. This was not the case this time, however.


I will part with this remark, though. I cannot prove without a doubt that someone did remove it physically, and I've stated this several times before. The only other explanation I can recall is that:


1) The belt was in place and functional when the car was parked.

2) Somehow, the belt physically broke after the car was shut off for some time, maybe do to it getting cold and contracting. It was already near a breaking point, so it broke and layed there limp.

3) Some nice soul decided, "hey look, there's a broken belt in this guy's car. Let's do him a favor and remove it since it's ugly and serves no purpose". Maybe. But thanks for not informing me.

4) I come back later, and start the car. There's no belt present because it spontaneously broke on it's own and someone was nice enough to remove it and finish pulling it through the rest of the pulley routing.


Just maybe this happened, or maybe it was something more or less.


All in all, I'm really about sick of this argument. Points have been drawn and made, and here we are hours later still arguing about what could be or couldn't be.


Make your final statements. I'm ready to move on and have been for awhile now.

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Originally posted by N/A Again:

Make your final statements. I'm ready to move on and have been for awhile now.

I want to point out how old "nutswinger" is for an insult.. That's my final statement. graemlins/burnout.gif
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Originally posted by SamZman:

You have to admit that it's a pretty HUGE coincidence. And I've never cut through a serpentine belt but I'd imagine it couldn't be that easy.. ? And if someone really was just being a jerk wouldn't it be easier and more costly to you, to just cut some ignition wires?


I dont know exactly who you are speaking of.. but I know that the "group" you are speaking of, and HIGHLY doubt they are capable of something like this.. besides being downright mean, it is quite illegal.

It is a coincidence, maybe just bad timing. We've all been there, and it sucks to be the one with fingers being pointed at. But, it's hard to not believe what you're told when it's more than a handful of people telling you.


A serpentine belt is not too hard to cut through, it takes about 5 seconds with a sharp knife. I found this out at the junkyard a few weeks ago :D But I don't think this was meant to disable the car, IF someone did do it. I think it was more as a cruel prank to reduce the efficiency of the car or just fuck with it, kinda like unplugging a MAF or IAT sensor (which, trust me, I would have much preferred).


As for your conclusions, Sam, that's on you. However, I also know who you're referring to and I've experienced mean from them personally. As for the illegal, I'll leave that one alone.

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Anyone? Bueller, Bueller...


Last word of advice. Stay the fuck away from vehicles you don't personally own. Whether or not intentions were malicious or not, coincidences do happen and fingers do get pointed.


I still have my opinions, as do we all on what did or did not happen or could have possibly happened. But people do watch and make notes of things, and this time was no different. I'm still glad people came to me and informed me of what they saw.


If you absolutely feel like dragging this out, you can contact me and we'll discuss it.

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