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The Oscars...

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> ...anyone planning on watching them? Anyone even care?


Personally, I think it's a pretty sad event. Not the part of rewarding the actors for the 'hard' work they've done, but the media hype and national frenzy that ensues the ceremony each year. 'Who's wearing this', and 'who's showing up with who'... it's a bunch of contrived bullshit. Placing these media gods on pedestals to be worshiped and idolized for all their superficial glamor. They were talking about it on the radio tonight, and mentioned how they were looking forward to seeing what people would wear. graemlins/nonono.gif


Go climb a mountain. That's what it's about.

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> I'm offended by popular american culture that is WAY older than I am. It doesn't negatively affect me, but I think I should bitch about what other people are interested and how they spend their free time. Not only are the before and after Oscar and Awards shows not directed towards my gender, they arent even directed towards my age group. However, I'm still definitely qualified to make blanket statements and judge the people who do in fact enjoy these shows.

For the Record, I hate these shows too, but graemlins/nonono.gif
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by WebNinja:

Originally posted by Folkvang: <font color ="midnightblue"> I'm offended by popular american culture that is WAY older than I am. It doesn't negatively affect me, but I think I should bitch about what other people are interested and how they spend their free time. Not only are the before and after Oscar and Awards shows not directed towards my gender, they arent even directed towards my age group. However, I'm still definitely qualified to make blanket statements and judge the people who do in fact enjoy these shows.


For the Record, I hate these shows too, but graemlins/nonono.gif

<font color ="midnightblue"> Yeah... that's exactly what I meant when I said that. But of course, this is coming from a guy (me) who relishes little of our modern culture, and doesn't watch any TV, so maybe you're right Jon-- maybe I am out of touch to think there are more worthwhile endeavors than to anticipate the fashion selections of an event over a month away. What the hell do I know.
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I agree its pretty sad when all they really want to see is who is wearing what, and who is with who. Never got into watching any of the awards shows either. Im sure its a big deal for those involved but I could give a shit less if it goes on or not.
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