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Ok, right now I'm pretty pissed. Here's the deal.


Bought this motherboard. Gigabyte and 512 MB of DDR to swap out my aging platform. I have my existing 1400 athlon that was going to use.


Swap the board out, cpu, etc. Everything is good to go. Boot it up, nothing. No Post, no vid, nada. Well, after a while I found there's a 4 lead connector that goes from the PS to the board. Plug it in.. yay. boots up, but only to 1100 mhz. I try dicking with ALL of the settings on the bus and multiplier to get it working. Wont' go above 1100. oh well. F- it. Go and just let it boot ot windows and I'd deal with it later.


NO, after about 2 seconds of hitting the hard drive, the damn things reboots, it's probably BSOD'ing, but I can't see the error message. The Windows XP start up screen doesn't even show up.


I've disabled just about everything I could. Only thing on the PC at the moment is the mb, cpu, fan, memory, video, and hard drive. I've taken everything else out.


After pissing around with that and nearly throwing it across the room. I went ahead to plug in my old MB and boot up to windows to uninstall EVERYTHING I have in device mangler to see if that mattered. NOPE. Now the fucking old mB won't even POST. GRRR.


Any ideas? Other than chucking this piece of dog shit out the window?

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Originally posted by gergwheel:

that is a problem with windows xp, you can change the processor, the harddrive, and the memory too, but you cannot change the motherboard without reformatting and reinstalling a new copy of XP. at least i havent found a way around it

Untrue. In fact, you can install a fresh copy of xp and keep you old file structure in tact. I just recently upgraded my mobo, cpu, ram, vcard. I had a full post to my unregistered XP which I had to reload anyway. I reinstalled a new version of XP using the "update" method and all was well.


The OS has nothing to do with posting. So it definitely is not that. Connect the speaker and find out what the beep code is.


Report back.

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Check your manual for the motherboard, and make sure it will support that processor. Ive had processors that were not supported but still ran, just at a slower speed. ok so maybe you dont have to format, but you do have to reinstall, i knew it was something like that.
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I've already done the speaker. NO beeps at all. It's leading me to believe the CPU is a little flakey.


But. On the new mb, post comes up fine. It's just on the old one where it doesn't post. I only wanted to use the old mb to clear out drivers and MB things in the device manager. But hell, that won't even work.

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So the old mobo + cpu combo works fine im assuming? Just taking that as a yes since you went and unistalled everything to see if that would help. If that is true, sounds like a mobo problem, I had a friend that had an older gigabyte that had the same problem, do you have any way to get another cpu to try out on the system? Sounds like a faulty mobo to me, no post no nothing on the first try, then it wont allow you to adjust the settings when you did get it to post. Another problem could be the Power Supply, not sure how many watts you have, but sometimes too much strain on a non brand name ps can cause problems.
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Originally posted by RelliK:

So the old mobo + cpu combo works fine im assuming? Just taking that as a yes since you went and unistalled everything to see if that would help. If that is true, sounds like a mobo problem, I had a friend that had an older gigabyte that had the same problem, do you have any way to get another cpu to try out on the system? Sounds like a faulty mobo to me, no post no nothing on the first try, then it wont allow you to adjust the settings when you did get it to post. Another problem could be the Power Supply, not sure how many watts you have, but sometimes too much strain on a non brand name ps can cause problems.

arg. NO, I cannot get the OLD MB and cpu back up to post. Nothing. Doesn't even beep. The NEW MB will come up to post, but not load windows.


That's what i originally wanted to do is go into my old mb and uninstall all the drivers, but I can't cause I can't get it to post.


I thought about the PS, it's only about a year old though and I believe is a 400 or 450 watt. It does have a "P4 sticker" on the side of it. I dunno. sigh.

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before flashing the bios try resetting them first. With my MB it took me about 3 or 4 tries to find the right multipler for the ram and Pro to be seen correctly when it was incorrect it woul not post of if it did that processor was running at a slower speed and so was the FSB on the ram. As for not being able to boot into windows have you tried safemode? are even able to get to that screen to select safemode?
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You can't swap mobos and expect XP to work. You've changed primary IDE controller drivers, which aren't loaded (due to the new mobo). There's ways around this.


The BSOD you see disappear so quickly is the "inaccessible boot device". XP doesn't see your IDE channel and doesn't know where to boot from, thanks to the non-updated driver that's now missing.

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w3rd. Same thing happened to me. It was on my dual boot machine, and linux would come up but not windows. Reinstall windows, everything works great. If you want to install linux instead, I have several different versions. SUSE will even read through your windows partition, so you can get to all of your windows files.
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I swapped RAM and MB (different chipset, even different brand MOBO) and it booted up just fine. Of course I had a few hiccups until I installed the drivers for the mobo, but from then it worked fine until one of my HD's exploded.


Have you double checked your boot devices in the BIOS? Make sure it knows to boot off the HD. Also your processor could be the problem. You're running DDR ram with a processor that isn't meant for those speeds. You'll have to go into the bios and tinker with the FSB speeds. My gigabyte mobo has DIP switches for both FSB speed and for the CPU multiplier. I can also adjust both of those in the bios, but the switches HAVE to be set correctly.

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Well, this is fuckin' great. Took it to a shop.


new motherboard.. DEAD


old CPU (athlon 1400).. somehow.. DEAD


old motherboard (worked for YEARS).. somehow.. That's dead too? graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/wtf.gif


new memory I bought.. GOOD (woopdie fucking do).


So now, I got an RMA from newegg on the board. I don't have a CPU now, or a motherboard.


I'm highly pissed. WTF would cause my old stuff to suddenly take a shit?


Now, anyone have any bright ideas on a CPU? i'd like to keep it cheap as possibly, but not slower than dog shit. Prerrably around $50-70 bucks would do. I also want to be able to play HL2 (that's the WHOLE reason for all this shit).



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Originally posted by The DropTop:

Yup. got a brand new 2100XP out of the deal. I may be persuaded to part with the processor if you're looking.

Yep.. I'm definatley looking. I don't want to spend that much. How much are you looking at?
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