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Comp guys: AGP help


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I've been playing with sisoft sandra recently, and it's reporting that my AGP port is only running at 2X PC wizard 2004 gives me the same information. I believe it was running at 4x before i had to reformat.


MB: Gigabyte GA-7VAXP has an 8x agp slot


Graphics card: Gainward GF4 4600TI Golden Sample. This is a 4X AGP card.


The bios has no area where i can tweak ANY agp settings (save for AGP voltage).


Anyone have any ideas?

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AGP setting are controled in the Bios on everyMB i have ever seen. there is no place to change the voltage in hte Bios you should have the option to chang from 2x 4x or 8x if the board and card support it. on my it is under the advanced options. but i have a Abit board.



EDIT: just thought about it your board may have a Jumper to change it.Abit uses a soft bios and has very few jumpers.

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Also try looking for a utility program designed for your chipset on the board. I have the Nvidia NForce2 chipset, and with their board utility, I can change anything I want in the BIOS using Windows and this program. It also monitors everything in real-time.
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yeah with the nforce3 chipset you can control voltage fan speed, pretty much everything up to the clock speed (which is kind of freaky)


and yes in the bios you can change the voltage setting for your agp (on the newer boards/higher end boards at least that and frequency)

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I flashed the bios to the newest version (it couldn't have been easier) and there are still no settings for AGP speed. In the "frequencies and voltages" section I can adjust "AGP over-voltage" but that is the only AGP setting in the bios. I'm starting to really dislike this board.


EDIT: sadly, my board uses a VIA KT400 chipset and not an nForce chipset.

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in the nvidia utility that installs when you install the driver do you have the option to select agp speed, i would dig around in that for a while since it seems speed is an autodetect issue.


and if you let windows install the card for you, dload the latest drivers from nvidia and then check the utility. GOod luck

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The install utility tells me I have to agree to the terms in the liscense agreement. smile.gif There aren't really any options during driver install, and I can't access AGP speed through Nvidis Settings.


On an unrelated note, how do I get a NAT firewall on a wireless router to play nicely with bit torrent? I've tried using several different incoming TCP listen ports, but they all provide me with a "NAT Error". I can download, but it's a lot slower than it should be.

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no there is a utility that installs you can get to it via the icon that appears in the bottom left of your screen and sometimes though the advanced properties of the display adapter.

fuck nat, do you really have stuff that is "mission critical"

dload pc-cillin go about yor day as dmz. should be cool

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