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Fipped cars everywhere on the highway

Guest Jonnygts

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Guest Jonnygts
Not sure if this has been posted yet, so if it has sorry. Yesterday I went to my Grandmas house down in Dayton. We were on 70 and we saw at least 10 cars that had spun off the road. 3 of them were on their sides, one had rolled over due to the smashed top, and a few that were turned around and the rest just flew off into the snow. It was rediculous. Anyone else see this nonsense? I think it was near the London area.
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I counted 20 cars in the ditch or on the side of the road on my way home from cleveland yesterday.


Thurs when I went home, there were probably 30-40.


If people wouldnt F*CKING TAILGATE, NO ACCIDENTS WOULD HAPPEN. Only when you ride some ones ass and need to stop fast will you go flying off the road... I saw numerous SUVs on their sides and roof tops, owners must think theyre 20ton tanks or something?

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Yeah, went to Xenia on Saturday. The madison county portion of I-70 was terrible. On the way home that night, we counted 19 vehicles in the ditch. 2 of them, were cars and on their side. One car was on its top. Another was a s-10 sized truck that the wrecker had just turned back over on its wheels from being on its top.


People are just stupid when it comes to driving on snow/ice. They think that just because they are going in a straight line, they can go faster. Some stupid bitch in a black dakota almost made me wreck. I needed to get over to a clearer lane, like the rest of the traffic was doing, and this bitch was at least 3 car lengths behind me. We were all going like 30 mph. I put on my turn signal and started to go over to the other lane. This bitch speeds up and honks at me like i was cutting her off. I had to swerve back over into the lane i was coming from in order to keep from getting hit. I kept hoping that I would see her in a ditch somewhere down the road, but never did, unfortunately. I told the wife that if I would have seen her in the ditch, I would have stopped the car, got out, pointed at her and laughed.

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Originally posted by Sully:

Yeah, went to Xenia on Saturday. The madison county portion of I-70 was terrible. On the way home that night, we counted 19 vehicles in the ditch. 2 of them, were cars and on their side. One car was on its top. Another was a s-10 sized truck that the wrecker had just turned back over on its wheels from being on its top.


People are just stupid when it comes to driving on snow/ice. They think that just because they are going in a straight line, they can go faster. Some stupid bitch in a black dakota almost made me wreck. I needed to get over to a clearer lane, like the rest of the traffic was doing, and this bitch was at least 3 car lengths behind me. We were all going like 30 mph. I put on my turn signal and started to go over to the other lane. This bitch speeds up and honks at me like i was cutting her off. I had to swerve back over into the lane i was coming from in order to keep from getting hit. I kept hoping that I would see her in a ditch somewhere down the road, but never did, unfortunately. I told the wife that if I would have seen her in the ditch, I would have stopped the car, got out, pointed at her and laughed.

HAHAHA..Hell yea. I hate idiot drivers. People have no respect for others on the road anymore, and the damn snow doesn't help.
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