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Antigravity hmmm


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Some good entertainment there, but its misleading. Of course, for the $29 cost of a CD you too can have all the details.


In short this thing is flying from the same ionizing effects used in these air purifiers.




We've got two of these type puppies in our house and if you put your hand in front of it you can feel the breeze. Enough there to easily lift their balsa-wood and tinfoil models.


The Biefeld-Brown field effect thrust they spend a lot of verbage on on that webpage to say thats where their thrust is coming from is a load of hooey in this application.


"In other words, the Biefeld-Brown effect would create thrust by pushing against the fabric of space itself, and as a result would require no propellant to function -- making it a highly-interesting potential method of creating thrust." ..yeah, so?


We're talking several orders of magnitude less thrust than the air movement. The air movement isn't an enhancement as they want you to believe - it IS the real thrust here. In a vacuum this thing would go nowhere. Their thrust is coming from the air.


Anyhoo, the Biefeld-Brown effect is still an interesting potential phenomenom, but its not even been proven to exist, its thrust force hasn't been isolated from other effects well enough to me measured, much less its having a real practical application, and people have been trying for years.


Go here to read a good treatment of it.


Also, amazingly, for once, the Wikipedia entry for something doesn't completely suck. Here's the wiki entry for it.


[ 29. December 2004, 09:58 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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They didn't do it in a vacuum. They couldn't have. Its been shown by others experimentally that in a vacuum there's no measurable thrust at all for any device using the Bieman-Brown field effect.


The conclusion being either

1) there's no effect at all - it doesn't exist

2) its so small its worthless - meaning previosu measurements of this possible additional effect were in fact measurement errors of the ion wind effect.


As far as I'm concerned I'm not going to say it doesn't exist as an effect. But I can say that at best we know the biggest it can be is still smaller than the vacuum experiments used to test it could measure, which is extremely miniscule.

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Like lightsails. When everything else is zero, even teeny thrust becomes a factor.....


It would be cool if something like this existed in useable quantities, but I don't think this is it.


However, I *do* believe there is hope for reactionless thrust. Once we truly figure out gravity (quanta interaction, waves, space curvature, pixie dust, WhateverItIs) - which we still don't fundamentally understand, then we'll know better what to push against. smile.gif

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I can see your misinformed about this technology guys. While it is the same as the ionic breeze and similar devices its also more than that.

I've watched discovery channel shows where tests where done on these lifters and they are much more effiencent in a vacuum than in open air. Explain that if its only the air thats thrusting it upward.

The tests were done at one of the universities. Don't remember which one.

I've been following that site and many others for quite some time. I've built some of the devices and its pretty fun shit, but wow does it hurt to get shocked.


Gravity is only one of 4 major forces in the universe and its also the weakest of the 4 so eventually we will find a way to use that to a greater advantage than we can imagine yet.



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The Discovery channel also does shows about the Loch Ness Monster.


Efficiency != Power


Show me exactly where and who tested the Biefeld-Brown field effect in a pure vacuum. I am genuinely curious.


An experiment by members of the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) - I'm also a member - was done, and they published in the journal (1 February 2004, vol. 42, no. 2) a report of thier experiements in vacuum and concluded the Biefeld-Brown field effect is actually a misinterpretation of Corona Wind. Being an Aero engineer myself that closed it for me.



Here's a quick synopsis:

With its theoretical origins dating back to the early 1920s, the Biefeld-Brown effect was believed to be responsible for the generation of thrust in capacitor configurations exposed to high voltage. This thrust was claimed to be unrelated to corona wind phenomena and to exist in vacuum. These claims, although only published in patents, survived until recent publications for very advanced propulsion concepts. Brown's and similar work, as well as credible theoretical and experimental studies relating to the Biefeld-Brown effect, are reviewed. Moreover, an experiment was carried out to investigate any thrust not related to corona discharges. No thrust was detected within the accuracy of the experimental setup. This puts new boundaries on any anomalous Biefeld-Brown force. Measurements indicate that such anomalous force must be at least five orders of magnitude below corona wind phenomena and must have at least a two orders of magnitude higher power-to-thrust ratio compared to traditional electric propulsion thrusters. Hence, even if the effect exists, it would not be attractive for space propulsion. The obtained results suggest that corona wind effects were misinterpreted as a connection between gravity and electromagnetism.


[ 29. December 2004, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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