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Airports fail badly

Guest stvbreal

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Guest stvbreal

On the news they were talking about airport security and how 15 airports failed to find weapons and bombs carried onto planes by investigators.


Now my question is why would they telivize this? Why don't they just invite all terrorists to come on over and bomb our shit instead? This makes no sense. We just told all terrorists that they have a real good chance at getting away with it.

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Originally posted by Slow As Hell 86 T/A:

people are way too parinoid, we are spending way too much on airport security, and the people who work those jobs dont even need a college degree

So a college degree makes everything ok the world? Ya.. ok.
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Originally posted by charlie:

On the bright side, the media coverage puts the airports in a tight spot and will get them to react faster than if nobody would have known.



^^^^ True


Anyone else work as a field service tech? I do and I go into all types of building and businesses all day long. I can tell you right now the only place I couldn't sneak something dangerous into in Rickenbacker Airforce Base.

I even go into the federal buildings downtown, schools, all the hospitals and other major businesses and no joke a guy could really fuck some shit up if he wanted to without much resistance at the most secure places other than Rickenbacker.

If I was the terrorist I'd do something like what happened in Russia. It would be easy to easy, but this is america its a free country and it should be, but just think of the freedom we would lose if a group of say 10 to 20 terrorist took over a school or hospital or something. It would be so scarry I bet we'd sign the country into marshal law or something worse.


This is one of the only things I don't like about the Bush admin and Kerry's people. They both talk like security in this county is possible. I do think that bush is doing the best thing by finding and killing there leaders and taking the war to them. Its not possible to protect this country from the inside no matter how many police you have you can't do it and remain a free country and have an effienct way of doing business. It takes me an hour to get searched at the AF base. Thats an hour of time my company loses.



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Originally posted by EvilEvo:

On the news they were talking about airport security and how 15 airports failed to find weapons and bombs carried onto planes by investigators.


Now my question is why would they telivize this? Why don't they just invite all terrorists to come on over and bomb our shit instead? This makes no sense. We just told all terrorists that they have a real good chance at getting away with it.

again :(
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Originally posted by SlowZ06:

Maybe they're hoping to pinch a group of terrorists by making the TSA seem incompetent... just a thought.

That's what I was thinking. Easier to nab terrorists when they come to us, instead of trying to find them when they're hiding.
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