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Have to be at work in 2 hours! Would you be awake too?


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Went to bed sorta late tonight...friend stopped by and were chatting. So...went to bed later than usual.


Anyway...was sound asleep when woke up to loud unusual noises from side/back of my house. Near bedroom window. The kind of noises that woke both me and the lady up. I hear more and think I hear voices.


I was half dressed, pully prepared, and out the back door ASAP! Heard running but kept my mouth shut. Now...I have more brains than balls, so no stupid cowboy stuff...


I went out and really think I sacared someone off. Did a thorough check of the house and neighbors' homes to look for signs of attempted entry and/or vandalism. Saw footprints in the wet grass...that was it.


Just saying...it was a good preparedness drill. I have a 3 year old who was still sleeping like a 3 year old should.


Think about it....how would you have reacted?


Heart is slowly going from the pounding back to regular rate ;)


You always say in horror movies..."don't go out there," but when you truly are pumped...not much scares you. If someone could bottle that rush where you are alert and awake, but have your wits about you...they'd be a rich man!

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...sounds so movie ish, mostly cause well i got it from a tv show but it's the truth - "You do ANYTHING IT TAKES to protect your family, reguardless of what the consequences."


Do ya thang man, i know i would of too.



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I had something similar happen once, and went out with a .357 revolver. That was a mistake. I should have grabbed the 12 gauge instead. ;) Turned out to be some drunk kids being morons. :rolleyes: They ran like hell, though. :D


NEVER shoot without knowing for certain that your life is threatened, btw. Typically, just the sound of a shotgun being pumped will be enough to scare off your average slime.

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Originally posted by Tire Killer:

NEVER shoot without knowing for certain that your life is threatened, btw. Typically, just the sound of a shotgun being pumped will be enough to scare off your average slime.

Oh...I know that. I had no plans to shoot at anyone...did think of firing one off into the ground.


Yeah...I should have thought 12 ga. You are right....that click would be enough for me to run if I was up to no good.


I did not go barging out and make myself a target...not that dumb.


I really think they were snooping around my house to see if we were awake. I think the neighbors were the target....I have my reasons for thinking that.

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Originally posted by Jack Pee:

I would have attempted to shoot them, probably miss, and probably inadvertantly damage a neighbor's house. Just being honest.

No way. The only time I am shooting is if someone is stupid enough to enter my house. If someone is in my house...I assume their intentions are not to make me a late night snack...thus I feel my life (or life of a loved one) is in immediate danger.
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Originally posted by Tire Killer:

I had something similar happen once, and went out with a .357 revolver. That was a mistake. I should have grabbed the 12 gauge instead. ;) Turned out to be some drunk kids being morons. :rolleyes: They ran like hell, though. :D


NEVER shoot without knowing for certain that your life is threatened, btw. Typically, just the sound of a shotgun being pumped will be enough to scare off your average slime.

Normally is.


But, a 22 to the ass or below is just a misdemeanor. My uncle told me that a few months before he went to prison.

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Originally posted by Hoop-D:

No way. The only time I am shooting is if someone is stupid enough to enter my house. If someone is in my house...I assume their intentions are not to make me a late night snack...thus I feel my life (or life of a loved one) is in immediate danger.

So is that why you shot me? FOO!




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Guest RJ1074
Originally posted by Hoop-D:

No way. The only time I am shooting is if someone is stupid enough to enter my house. If someone is in my house...I assume their intentions are not to make me a late night snack...thus I feel my life (or life of a loved one) is in immediate danger.

I heard somewhere that if you shoot someone who is in your house, and you dont kill them, then they can sue you... something like that?


I would wake up and get my dad... lol... And it would be nice if my dogs were scary... but they just bark and then run up to get petted.


note to self, download sound of shot gun click...


dont you think they were being kind of loud if they woke you up?

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