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haunted spots in Central OH.

Guest visualpoet

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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by visualpoet:

Anybody know of any? I've been doing some research on the paranormal, and I've found a few spots I plan on checking out. The four cemeteries for the old State Mental Hospital, The Haydenville Tunnel and the Crop house in Pleasant Township if it's till there. (Supposed to be just down the road from Pleasant View Middle School, if anyone can let me know if it's still standing I'd appreciate it). If anyone knows any others, let me know. If anyone's interested in going along, let me know that too.

How about a church? Churches seem to bring all kinds of people who believe in spirits!
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Guest visualpoet

About a year and a half ago a guy died in the hotel I work for. He apparently drank himself to death and hemorraghed (sp?) so badly that it poured out of him after he went down. They had to force the door to get in his room because he was lying in front of it. Ever since, the door to that room will not stay closed, we've only had one guest who would stay in it for more than a week. the light in the hallway outside the room burns out about 5 times faster than any other hall light in the building. The guy who did stay the longest said that he'd be lying in bed and the bathroom door would open or close by itself depending on how he left it (the guy was half in and out of the bathroom) He also said that he'd hear someone stomping around in the room next to him, and one day he went over to ask them to knock it off and realized it was just a small room for some of the fire suppression system, not a guest room. He also said he'd come in from two or three days of being at his gf's place and the room would smell like booze and cheap cigars. He also reported some cold spots in the room.


We've also got a managers apartment over the office that's used for storage now that's just creepy feeling. None of us know of anything happening in there, but it's at the same end of the hallway as the other room. I've been in it a couple of times by myself and it definitely feels like someone is standing right behind you. It makes the hairs on my neck stand up after a few minutes by myself, and my maintenance guy won't go in by himself unless he absolutely has to.


I've been up to both of them with my digital camera taking pics and checking them out with Photoshop, inverting the colors, enlarging, playing with balances, but nothing so far.

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Ohio has probably hundreds of ghost towns. the web searches only come up with a few really dumb ones. When the Wayne national forest was laid out many many of them were lost and the roads abandoned. I only know of them because my 4x4 club rides on those types of roads. there abandoned, but still public right of ways.

If ghost towns aren't your thing are you into mine shafts? go to the goverments website on surface mining and mine land reclaimation and you will find a map of over 4700 mine shafts in ohio and a warning that there are probably at least that many that are totally unknown.



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Guest Tony_K

Two must-sees among Ohio "Ghost Towns":


1) San Toy - remnants in the woods of a thriving town 100 years ago.


2) Shawnee - still a town, but with something like 1/10 the population it used to have. Result is that most of the town is vacant and abandoned, looks like an old west town.

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Guest visualpoet
Ghost towns and mine shafts are cool, but it's the unexplained phenomena that lures me. I've had some supernatural experiences in the past that I never was able to explain and I'm kinda digging the idea of trying to find and document some weird ass stuff.
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Guest monkey4sale321
The are 2 that I know if off of riverside drive. One got bulldozed and the other is boxed off but you can still get into the house pretty easily. The first house was kind of creepy, about this guy who killed his family and burned them in the fernace. Found old photos of the house, not scary but neat and in the basement; kool paintings and wierd masterpieces. The second, not sure what happened their but my friends and i checked it out and their was a very old piano though, still playable, kinda creepy. Still good places to check out if yer on riverside drive.
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A little off the subject but... Thier are some woods by my old house I would always ride dirtbike in and screw around in... I knew them like the back of my hand. One Summer my first time in after the winter I came across a cleared out area. I thought WTF this was never here before. I got off my bike my dirtbike and started to look around. There was a huge fire pit, tons of animal skulls and things made out of animal bones, 2 very very complexed forts made out of brush and wood and a couple weird rattles made out of turtle shells. not to mention all kinds of new paths I got weirded out so i left. A couple days later i told the land owner about it and he went back their and called the police they looked around. Me and some friends decided to go back one night at like 2:30 in the morning and as we crept up their was a huge fire and several people moving around it. By the time we made are way clear up to the site the fire was blazzing but thier was no one to be found. About a week later those same friends and i were bored so we went there with spray paint and painted up a bunch of stuff tore down the forts and had a huge fire. Never saw a sign of anything agian. Who evers stuff that was, was really weird and kinda freaky and they had alot of time into it. But a summer day when i bunch of 15 year olds were bored took care of all of that. Kinda off the subject but when ever i was there i got an erie feeling...


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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by Gonzo:

there was a very old piano though, still playable, kinda creepy.

graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/eek2.gif:eek: Holy shit! That's scary! tongue.gif
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Guest GCRdBlk
Originally posted by Gonzo:

woolyburger? Whats that???

Woolyburger- dont waste your time. I SERIOUSLY dont think its haunted. Boyfriend lives out there, about a 2 minute walk from it.

If you go up there, about all youll find is a very old old graveyard with some stones you can still read, pretty interesting in itself. Around it is a long trail that goes up a hill and circles back to itself. Used mostly by people out there for runnin their dogs. All the way up the hill at the top, if u go off the trail through some trees theres a pretty big field. the story is that theres a house somewhere in the trail. If there is, nobody around there knows about it. The area out there is all farm and old barns, some still used.

BUT, if you wanted to see SOMETHING when you go up there, go at night (obviously) and you'll catch some "interesting" people doing rituals of their own. I didnt believe the stories about this, so we went by one night to see for myself. What i saw: people, bout 5, in all black around a small fire. Doing who knows what. The next moring went back up there and found small animal bones, (squirrel, rat, rabbit, racoon, etc) on top of gravestones and beer bottles scattered.

The stories of Woolyburger go back to even my parents and his parents, of it being "haunted".

But all in all, thats about all it is... stories. A tradition to give teenagers in GC/Darbydale/London something to do (because we all know there is nothin better to do when youre 15!)

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