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Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue">


<font color ="midnightblue">"Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow"

...People, of course, don't speak binary language. You're not likely to go up to a friends and say, '0100100001001001', which translates into, 'HI' using one binary coding system. People communicate with one another in their natural languages, such as english, Chinese, Spanish, and French. [but Not German??!!] For example, this book is written in English, which uses a 26-character alphabet."

<font color ="midnightblue"> ....WTF- That's news to me... That excerpt is from the book I'm studying for an exam tomorrow. This is ridiculous. Sure, I don't have to go to a class, but gimmie a break...


Anyone else taking/have taken an online course? Experience with them?


The class isn't too bad, but the TA grades like the Earth hung in the balance. The homework generally takes 2 to 3 hours a problem set, and is only worth 3 or 4 points. Aside from the fact that I don't have to go to class, it really doesn't seem worth it.

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