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He WAS Beheaded!


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GOD DAMNIT WHY THE FUCK ARE WE JUST SITTING AROUND DOING NOTHING??? THESE GUYS KEEP TAKING US OUT NOT BY BULLETS BUT CRUELLY(not a real word don't care) EVEN IN WAR there's certain RULES that you follow. A sort of... Code of Conduct. ONE of those are not beheading your god damn p.o.w.'s head off and showing it to the world.


They have no mercy and like to pat themselves on the back for the horrific crimes they commit in the name of "Freedom" Right. No one should spare them. If they're not going to show mercy, neither should we.

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The reason that people in the Middle East don't follow the Koran's true meanings, is because they don't know the Koran's true meanings. They know what they are told by their leaders. Why do they not know the true meanings? There are many. By far the largest though, is illiteracy, a situation that is NOT being helped by their leaders.

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Monkey see monkey do HERE is shouting unpolitically correct euphemisms on the internet at people who don't deserve it.


Monkey see monkey do THERE is beheading people who don't deserve it.


We all know the kill em all mentality is not the way to go about business. However, when the feds arrest an al-qaeda terrorist living in our city, plotting to blow up a mall that our friends and loved ones work and shop at, it kind of hits home don't you think.


They don't play by our rules.


I don't want to be one of the sheeple bowing to political correctness and paying for it in blood.


(BTW Aaron, I am enjoying a wonderful Molson XXX 12 pack this evening, its worth reviewing)

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Guest visualpoet
I am sad to say that I think we should help a shit ton of those bastards find their paradise and all their damn virgins. Let them die for their cause, send them off to Allah as they wish. The problem is, just as in any other war, when you kill innocent civilians in the name of your cause, it's not warfare, it's murder. How do you seperate the fanatics from the average joe camel driver who just wants to tend his sand farm and mind his own business? I totally understand the feeling of bomb them all to hell, but then we are no better than they are. Do any of you really think the powers over there give a shit if we waste their civilian population? It just adds fuel to the fire of insanity that's burning them from within. Hussein was gassing and torturing his own people to test weapons. His sons were two of the most cruel, inhumane people on the planet. I agree that America is being too soft, but I don't think genocide is the answer. I think a combined force of elite special forces teams could be. And not just military, get the Shop and the Feebies in there, and a couple of the governments unnamed teams. It's much harder to protect yourself against a small silent enemy you can't see than a large noisy one you can.
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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Mitch:

Monkey see monkey do HERE is shouting unpolitically correct euphemisms on the internet at people who don't deserve it.


Monkey see monkey do THERE is beheading people who don't deserve it.


We all know the kill em all mentality is not the way to go about business. However, when the feds arrest an al-qaeda terrorist living in our city, plotting to blow up a mall that our friends and loved ones work and shop at, it kind of hits home don't you think.


They don't play by our rules.


I don't want to be one of the sheeple bowing to political correctness and paying for it in blood.


(BTW Aaron, I am enjoying a wonderful Molson XXX 12 pack this evening, its worth reviewing)

1. not everyone over there is so keen on killing our people. it is actually only a select few that do that as the rest of the people appreciate the fact that they can freely think now.


2. war has not been governed by rules since the end of the korean war.


3. i dont want to be one of the sheep who gets angry and lets this distort my views. instead i will do my part and when november comes around i will vote for the right person. i will also do my part by continuing to support our troops.


4. want to do the right thing instead of crying about this? get an address of someone currently stationed in the middle east and send them a letter telling them how much you appreciate them being over there. if you want to be real nice, send them some home made cookies and some nudie mags with that letter. dont let what they are doing get to you because that is exacly what they want you to do. they want you to hate all muslims and wish harm upon them because then that gives all muslims reason to behead you.


5. it is utterly hilarious that you people will not eat at geeros just because the owner is muslim. i also find it funny that we are spending all this money searching for intelligent life outside of this planet. perhaps, though, we should point those radar dishes down and search for intelligent life here first before we go searching for it elsewhere.


6. molson XXX is not bad at all. why dont you review it? someone is gonna need to take my place here soon anyways :cool:

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:| i do keep in contact with a few troop friends that are in the middle east:|


and as far as rules go, bullets to the brain, stabbings etc sure those are fine but the whole beheading thing went out the window in civ. words ages ago


i could careless who's muslim - i got dissed on enough for my own religious pref. to hate on someone else practicing in something they believe. As long as they aren't trying to force their religious views on myself or others, i really don't care.


and ill miss seeing your nice car self out aaron:(



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The miitant that did it is part al Quida(sp? but who gives a fuck) anyway, hey was in the Saudi cell of A.Q so they are just as worse as the Iraqi's and Afgani's...for all the men off this board...Please GIVE HIM HELL! KIll Em and let God sort out the mess!
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I don't think they're going to stop beheading prisoners any time soon. Obviously what we are doing in Iraq is not getting the point across to the terrorists, so we haven't done enough. I have friends over there right now, and the last thing I want is for them to get killed, but I can't agree with taking away all their support and retreating. If we abandon Iraq, the terrorists have won a major victory.


I try to focus my anger on an individual basis, because when targeting an entire country or religion, how many innocents are you going to kill? Fatherless children often grow into determined enemies. These recent atrocities make it difficult to see through blind hatred, but remember that God punishes the wicked, so do not let yourself be counted among them.

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Guest johnsfocus02

glass factory +1

and if for some reason our forces over seas in these areas fail and we don't nuke the shit out of them and these asses come to the us shores. I for one would be willing to go terrorist gigging and then burn their sorry coward asses

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Originally posted by Art95Celica:

Geero's is done

... that is all

most retarded statement ever. were it not for some of the other comments in this thread. talk about playing to the level of your opponent. this board sickens me sometimes.
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Guest nightracer
Unfortunately the only thing they understand is extreme violence. If we shoot them, snipe them and blow them up.. We encourage them to be barbaric. We'd have to be extremely brutal and genocidal to deal with them and I don't think we want that. If sound diplomacy cannot work we will be left with no choice.
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