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router ports/VPN help


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I have a linksys router hooked up and when I connect to work from home via VPN, it will not let me get into the drives. It keeps asking for my UN and PW. If I plug the PC directly into the cable modem, it connects and works fine. Anyone know what port(s) to open up in the router?



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Guest doggunracing

For PPTP VPN connections, you need to open TCP port 1723 for PPTP tunnel maintenance traffic and permit IP Type 47 Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) packets for PPTP tunnel data to pass to your RRAS server's IP address. If the PPTP-based RRAS server is the calling router on router-to-router VPN connections (i.e., VPN-based LAN-to-LAN connections to another RRAS server), you need to create an input filter (i.e., inbound rule) on your firewall to open TCP port 1723 as a source port to your RRAS server. For L2TP VPN connections, you need to open UDP port 500 for Internet Key Exchange (IKE) traffic and UDP port 1701 for L2TP traffic. If you restrict outbound traffic, be sure to open all these ports in that direction so that the VPN server can properly communicate with your remote VPN clients.


If VPN traffic is the only traffic you permit to your RRAS server, the best practice from a security standpoint is to deny all traffic except the types I listed in the previous paragraph. I also suggest that you place your RRAS server in a network demilitarized zone (DMZ) rather than on the internal LAN. Chapter 9 of the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit's "Internetworking Guide" volume provides information about properly configuring firewalls for this situation and other VPN server scenarios.

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Thats for the router at the office to allow me through.. I need the router at home so I can connect. This only happens when I am connected to the linksys router at home, I can go and plug my PC into the cable modem and I can connect fine but it's a pain to always have to switch it.
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