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*CR Poker Tournament*

Devils Advocate

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Guest infamous me 235

Jon- Gimme a call monday. Play at Mike's house and bring my chips.


I'm sure anyone else who would want to play probbaly could come too. It's my weekly game. We used to play Tourney now its cash game.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Republicant:

I sold them to pay for my Vitamin C addiction.... Sorry (I'll be there)

(I want my chips back focker)


And why dont we just play at your house Jon. Your mom is never home anyways, lets see if we can do this and not you get kicked out. Just figure out where to put the 2nd table (or 3rd)

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Guest doggunracing

A tournament involves a set buy-in, then everyone receives the same amount of chips. It is then played until one players wins all the chips. You are placed by when you go out. The number of payouts is determined before beginning and is usually based on how many players buy in. A 10 player tournament might have 3 winners, 1st getting 50%, 2nd 30% and 3rd 20%, just as an example.


A cash game can have different rules, but the main differences are the buy-in's and the duration of the game. Some games have a certain buy-in, like a tournament, so that no one has the huge stack to start. The length of the game is usually different also in that most games aren't played until one has amassed all of the money. Often, minimum and maximum time limits are imposed so no one leaves after one or two good hands, and so the game doesn't go on forever.


Rebuy's are an option to consider also. In both tourneys and buy-in cash games, a rebuy can be used by a player that goes out early and wants to rejoin the game. Sometimes this is limited to a certain time (i.e. the first hour) or a certain amount (i.e. half the original buy-in), or both.


Also needed to be decided before starting are the blinds, if the blinds increase with time/# of hands, and if antes are desired.

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Guest infamous me 235

Oh, and Jon, none of this 10,000 bull shit. That just fucked my head up and I had no care of what chip color I through in there.



$20 Buy-In, you get $40 in chips or $50 or something REASONABLE to what you bought in for.

NOT $20 you get $10,000 in chips where greens are "$200" and whites are "$10". That fucked me up.



Or even a HUGE CR Cash Game. Min. Buy-In is $20 Max is $1,000. Buy-In as many times as you want and cash out whenever you want after X- hours or X o'clock

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Cody shut up, you're gay... a cash game where the buy in min and max are $980.00 apart? I ate your chips, btw.


Ok damnit, We're having this at Tommy's warehouse if it's in a reasonable location. Buy in is thirty dollars, and you may rebuy within the first hour. The minimum necessary participants for this thing is twenty people, and We're going to have a fucking sign up sheet if we have to. If you skip this tourney and you've registered for it, then you should still owe the money to the pot unless you give 48 hours notice. Game is Texas Hold'em, No limit. You must offer a cut to the person to the right of you every hand. Depending on how many people sign up for this thing, we will have to adjust payout accordingly. What dates are good for you guys? Throw those out.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by SR22DET:

sunday, 12/19

out of town that all day that day. if i have to work any of the other days, it'd be no later than 9. so if its before 9, i'll be needing a seat saved
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Guest infamous me 235

when 'de fawk are we doing this mang


I don't work allll this weekend until tuesday. Let's fucking get this started.


Also, the most important, chips. Who all has chips and deosn't mind mixing them up with others.


Another thing, Jon, did you like "Rounders"?

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Republicant:

yeah I did, that movie is the sex. We're going to do this on sunday, motherfawkers. Tommy, post directions to your warehizzy. Bring all your friends for sure. the more people show up, the richer I am when this thing is over. :cool:

Ok, yet my next question, again.


Chips? My 300 are sure as hell not enough, and im not even about to lose them.


Dammit. Sunday either $1500 1st prize Tourney or Columbus Racing Tournament.


I agree (Marc or Brandon), Make an official thread, sticky it, and list the Buy-In and the cash pay outs.



Here's some things we all need to figure out.

- WHo the fuck has chips.

-How much Buy-In is.

-Is there going to be 1 Rebuy first 30 minutes? THis is for people who drive 3 hours and suck at poker and lose the first hand. Maybe?

- Time starts

- Structure of Payout

(1st- 50%, 2nd- 30% 3rd- 15% 4th- 5%??? Or more people get money??)

- Door Men!!! Have a sign in sheet, collecting money, handing out chips, seating people.

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