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Death / Probate etc


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I have a situation in which my two great aunts, one the age of 82, the other the age of 87, have asked of me to assist them with all of these "types" of things.


There has to be someone who has handled this type of siutation before, and I would like to ask if anyone has any advice or "lookthefuckouts".


They are not wealthy, don't own any property, etc.

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If they don't have much then doesn't matter. Life insurance is paid directly so doesn't go through probate. Only things would be bank accounts, property and posessions. You can hire a probate lawyer to have them handle it. Only thing would be to have a will. Usually doesn't cost much for the lawyer. They can always setup an estate to get away from probate. But then again, depending on what they have, it might not even be worth the truble.
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You can go to a attorney for a couple of hundred dollars and get him to create a 'living trust' this will make it very simple for you when the time comes for them to pass on their possesions without going through probate court, your time, and possibly avoiding additional taxes,Your money.
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