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? for guys who are married or have live in gf..How often do you go out without her?


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Guest mudbutt
I guess it depends. I get as much freedom as I allow myself. We dont get to see each other much with work and school, so it does get tough to not spend time with her. If I plan something with friends, she usually has little or no problems. It is when I go "OK Im going out tonight" that she gets a little pissy. It isnt horrible, wining and pouty, nothing major. I try to take her everywhere I go that she can stand. My friends enjoy her and she rarely bitches when we are out.
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Guest mudbutt
I guess I really dint answer the question. I dont go out with friends much anyway, as I work with most of them, but Id say we all go out about 5 times a month and she is there for about 3 of those times.
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I am pretty free to do what i want. But i chosoe to spend time with my wife when i can. Sometimes she gets upset when i got alot of work and hten wanna go roaming but as long as you spent time at home you should me smooth to ride.
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Originally posted by NoRodStang:

I am pretty free to do what i want. But i chosoe to spend time with my wife when i can. Sometimes she gets upset when i got alot of work and hten wanna go roaming but as long as you spent time at home you should me smooth to ride.

Likewise. I go out after work pretty often, she works late anyway.


We have trust.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

Likewise. I go out after work pretty often, she works late anyway.


We have trust.

Same here. She goes out without me and I do the same. We pretty much do what we want to do. We both like being home though. The only thing she does is maybe pout a little when she doesn't feel good and I want to stay out. But that's understandable.


I believe that a healthy relationship requires a healthy balance of time with each other and time without. Even though the two are supposed to be one, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be yourself and do your own thing. Losing your identity is not a good thing.

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Oh, and your question... You're probably wondering how much time others spend time without their partner because you want to compare. Well, you can't really. Each relationship is different the ones that are in it will need to find the balance themselves.


If you're getting ideas for a discussion with her you can't really say "Well, Billy gets to go out with his friends why can't I?" That would just sound childish. Different people, different situation, different everything. Instead, let her know what your needs are and listen to hers. Come to an agreement somewhere in the middle. Let her know that you've listened and you understand and that you will compromise but she will also need to understand your needs. It goes both ways.

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I'm answering this without reading any of the other posts and I JUST got home from drinking for 3 hours after work. So..... I can go out pretty much when I want and where I want as long as I'm not breaking a date with her or going to do something stupid. The same thing goes for her too. My woman is pretty laid back and not the jealous type. You have to have your time away from each other or your going to get tired of each other and thats a hard thing to overcome in a relationship. We've been together for 4 years.


I hope I don't sound drunk.... lol cause I kinda am..... hehehaha time to hit the fridge for a frosty one....

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Guest Prophecy2k4
I can go out whenever and her not have a problem with it,but being the whole reason I moved up here was to be together,I choose to spend most of my time with her.....that and I know all of 2 people up here.
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on the girls side....i go out more than Hoblick...bc u know i need my girl time....i know that he doesnt mind it unless i end up drinking to much when i go to a bar then he gets worried about other guys hitting on me....an i understand that but i guess it doesnt seem like a big deal to me bc i dont want to be with anybody but him....but he still isnt to crazy about the idea of me drinkin without him! smile.gif ..oh and about the ??? we do alot together and he goes riding without me and i go out with my girls so its pretty equal =
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We pretty much spend most of our time together, but there are no problems with doing our own things as long as it is planned and the other person knows about it ahead of time. We have a daughter and another on the way so that adds something to the discussion. If I go out, I'm sticking her with 100% of the baby responsibility and vice versa, so we both have to conscious of that. Most of our friends are couples at this point so we rarely need to be apart.
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