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It may have come out in 1980....


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This is true, I haven't seen it since I was little but it scared the shit out of me then. I have yet to read the book, which I know will be better because it seems in all of Stephen Kings books turned to movies the books are always better. I just got done reading one of his dark tower books and it was sweet.
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The Dark Tower series is excellent! I'm working on Needful Things right now (for the third time), but as soon as I finish, I'll be jumping back into the series with book #5. I think there will eventually be a "LOTR" type series of movies based on the Dark Tower books. If they do it right, it could be a huge money maker! To stay on topic, I saw The Shining a long time ago, and you're right, freaky movie!
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Originally posted by CR Caddy:

[QB]The Dark Tower series is excellent!

I just finished book four but thats the only one I've read, I think you're right if they do a movie it could be huge but they will have to get the cast just right because if not then the whole movie will be ruined. Stephen King always develops his characters so much that I always have very high expectations of them and am sometimes dissapointed by the movies picks of characters like in the green mile. I think Jack Nicholson was awsome in the movie so I hope that by reading the book it wont disappoint me with the character choices.

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pgsrt-4: You've gotta read the first three, then come back and read the fourth again. That series pulls on the previous books so much that it's hard to understand what's going on unless you've already read the previous one. As I recall, there were references in 4 going all the way back to The Gunslinger (1 I believe). There have been so many King books turned movie over the years, and to be honest, I've always preferred the book to the movie. Between IT, The Stand, Tommyknockers, The Langoliers, Christine, I've always felt that the story is too much to fit into one tidy little 105 minute window. But now, it seems that producers aren't so afraid to make multiple pictures to tell the same story, and people seem to be willing to pay to see a movie that is two to two and half hours long in the theaters. Also, I think that the technology is there now to really do justice to King's imagination. Future King movies should be great, as long as the screen writers, producers, and directors stay true to the book.
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Yeah I know, it took me a long time while reading it to udnerstand what was going on but I was going on a cruise and didn't have anything else to read so I bought that, I'm going to read the first three but I don't know if I will have the effort to read all 700 pages of the fourth again I might just go to the fifth. I agree that the books are better than the movies, that is normally how it is with all books to movies I've found.
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thw shinning kicked ass, the newer one one was ok, it introduced a lot of the things left out of the original movie from the book, like the hedge-tree animals and such, mostly able to do it because of today's technology, anyway.....(blabbering on) i wish i could mix in a few of the things from the remake into the old movie to make it alot more like the book intended
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