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This email was sent out to everyone at Columbus State. If you go here, or drive by, or are near, stop by and drop off some change or whatever in the collection boxes. Thanks.


Campus Community: A campus wide collection has been undertaken on behalf of the victims of the tsunami in South Asia and coastal Africa. The funds collected will be donated to the United Way South Asia Response Fund which is under the auspices of the International United Way.Collection efforts are being coordinated by Auxiliary Services. For those employees and students who wish to donate there are collection boxes around campus - bookstore, cafeteria, business office, student services, copy center, and International Enrollment Services. Donations may be made by cash or check. If writing a check please make it payable to the United Way South Asia Response Fund. You may either put your checks in the donations boxes or forward by mail to the attention of Lisa Briggs, Accounting Supervisor, Auxiliary Services. The collection will be concluded on Friday, January 14, 2005. If you have any questions please contact Sherita Golden at ext. #5988 or email sgolden@cscc.edu. If you would like collection boxes and or posters for your area please contact Sherita as noted above. Thank you. Glenda K. SandersDirector, Auxiliary Services
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